Just in time for taxes....must see

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v ro,

It's not illegal, it's not against the Constitution, so please let that go.

If you think we pay too much, then opt for productive means for enacting tax reform and change.

Don't side with the zealots. They are nutjobs!

What do you think of the Federal Reserve Bank...not the Federal Reserve system?

that is messed up IMHO
Although I admit our present tax system and IRS totally sucks, Aaron Russo is a nut-job just like Michael Moore.

You can be a tax protester but it will end up being your full-time job and you will end up in jail anyway.

Tax code is too complicated. Every year some reporter looks into it, if you call the IRS ten times with the same question you'll get ten different answers.

If everybody had to write a check for a few thousand every quarter for their taxes like I do, a lot more people would be mad about it. Gotta pay for Nancy Pelosi's new plane yaknow. :rolleyes:

I'll pay, I'll pay... just leave me alone

We would pay a lot less in taxes if the FRB wasn't there...that would be my

"productive means for enacting tax reform and change"

Kennedy tried to get rid of them and look what happened :eek:
v ro, the Federal Reserve conspiracy stuff is the same junk as the tax stuff.

The monetary policy of the United States is managed by a publicly appointed official, overseen by Congress, and executed by a series of quasi-public regional banks. The non-government banks that own shares of the Federal Reserve Bank cannot make money by trading their shares of the Federal Reserve Bank. Profits earned by the Federal Reserve Bank are paid to the United States Treasury, less a relatively small dividend paid to member banks.

Does it have advantages for the member banks? Sure. They can borrow funds cheaper than the rest of us. But they pay a price for that advantage: They have to operate their banks in a way (managing deposits/loans at safe ratios, keeping certain amounts of cash on hand) that safeguard the banking system for consumers.

Any American consumer with decent credit can borrow money for a very small rate increment above what multi-billion dollar institutions can borrow the same funds. That's a bargain, something not seen in history until the Federal Reserve System was put in place. Despite that unprecedented benefit to the borrowing consumer, the rest of us don't have to worry about our deposits being there when we need them.

It's a very resilient banking system. 100 years ago, that wasn't the case. Banking customers could (and did) loose their money in bank implosions.

Without the FSB, our economy as we know it would not exist. One of their primary responcibilities is to control the amount of money in teh economy at any given time, thus controlling inflation. They do this with the buying/selling of Treasury Bills (which Mr. Clinton used to "balance" the budget, but that's another arguement) and by adjusting what's called the Federal Reserve Rate, the interest rate they charge other banks to loan money and what is touted so often when they meet once a quarter.


Pay your taxes folks, or get out!

Hear! Hear! And that should include EVERYONE.

Amen to that. I just filed my taxes yesterday. Here are some of MY personal facts about income tax:

-AGI: ~$46k

-Tax Bracket: 15%

-Effective Taxes: ~$1200 or 3% (after deductions)

-SocSec Tax: ~$3500 or 7.5%

-State Income Tax: ~3% after deductions

So just based on this, I paid around 10-11% to the federal government just to have the priveledge of living here. I do it more than willingly as it's a cheap bill to pay for prosperity. I gave much more than 10% just to my church (about 14%).

However, once you add in a 8% state and local sales tax, the state income tax, use tax (that odly enough we pay every year on houses and vehicles.... but no one fights those under the double taxation clause) I'm around 20-25% of my income just in taxes. Take the time that it takes me to fill out that damn 1040 and the AR1000 (Arkansas income tax form), which is about 5 hours at my work rate of around $23 hour (salary so it's a bit tough to actually figure), plus the time spent by banks and my employer for tax forms and the "waste" generated by the IRS alone is in the thousands.

A simple 18% sales tax would boost this economy more than any tax cut in history. Everyone would pay their fare share based on what they bought. If you're so damned worried about "the poor", then make what ever currently falls under the WIC program tax free, or just make groceries (unprepared food only) tax at 9%.

I hear you R Shek. Third year in a row that AMT (Alternative Minimum Tax) took a huge bite out of my arse. I'm in the 32% club. Yup, I work about 4 months out of the year just for Uncle Sam, the other 8 I work for me and my family.

On a normal week, I pay over 35% of my paycheck in just tax's alone. That is not including the sales tax of over 6.25% to use my money.

If you guys honestly think the government will give us a tax systems that, 1, works fairly, 2, will boost the economy, and 3, eliminates the IRS, you are all crazy. If the average person actually KNEW how much money the government is taking from them, they would freak out.

Fortunatly, for the government, most people are not that smart.

If we are truly aware how much tax's every person is paying, we would start holding the government responsible for their ignorant spending habits. Haliburton and $150.00 per case of coke to the government ring a bell?

Since the government is run by "rich folks" and the tax breaks are aimed to the "rich folks", the "rich folks" are going to continue to help other "rich folks" keep getting those tax breaks.

I am not saying I have any bad feelings towards those that are wealthy, but that is a good reason, in some people eyes, to keep the tax system the way it is.

Unless a revolt happens, our tax situation will not change. Those in office protect those that give the most. Poor people do not have much to give. Neither do most of us that are in the middle class.


So Tom, what is the answer? Why don't you think the "fair tax" can be inacted? I don't see it as hurting the rich. Yes, I see it dismantling the IRS, but I would welcome a tax change and I am one of the top 5%ers in this country when it comes to wage earnings.

I guess you are talking about the 1%ers and how they control everything, right?

So Tom, what is the answer?

The fair tax is the answer.

Why don't you think the "fair tax" can be inacted? I don't see it as hurting the rich.

I don't feel it will hurt the rich, actually, I feel it will benefit everyone.

Yes, I see it dismantling the IRS, but I would welcome a tax change and I am one of the top 5%ers in this country when it comes to wage earnings.

I welcome it too.

I guess you are talking about the 1%ers and how they control everything, right?

I know that is a smart alec comment, but just name me one person that is in the federal government that isn't in that 1%.

Yes, but Tom (Caymen) you complain about the taxes, but what about the Union dues. Isn't that just another entity taking your hard-earned money? With taxes, I see tangible benefits, such as roads, schools, federal programs, etc. What do union employees get for their dues? I see a lot of them being laid off and retired against their will.
Caymen, I am confused.

So the fair tax is something you would support. You think it wouldn't hurt the rich. So, what is holding back it happening (you said: it will never happen)? I think it could actually help the economy and have the rich pay less in taxes (they would welcome that)...so what are the hurddles?

"Without the FSB, our economy as we know it would not exist. One of their primary responcibilities is to control the amount of money in teh economy at any given time, thus controlling inflation. They do this with the buying/selling of Treasury Bills (which Mr. Clinton used to "balance" the budget, but that's another arguement) and by adjusting what's called the Federal Reserve Rate, the interest rate they charge other banks to loan money and what is touted so often when they meet once a quarter. "

Actuall it is the job of CONGRESS (look at the constitution) and during the Christmas break(DEC. 23rd) 1913 they voted while no one was there to give that power to a group of banks, that we call the federal reserve.

That is a fact.

Do you thinkthese banks are making tons of money from that?

you sound like a true Chicagoan...." so what if it is all crooked and my money is wasted, the city works and look at all the pretty flowers we have"
call for an accounting and an investigation as to what is legal and what is not for taxation.

Investigate the FRB's and see what would ahppen if we gave the power back to congress. See how we would better control our debt.

they are seperate from politics they say, but the Pres can appoint them for 14 year terms?

here is what they think of you:

"The few who understand the system, will either be so interested from it's profits or so dependant on it's favors, that there will be no opposition from that class." -- Rothschild Brothers of London, 1863

"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws" -- Mayer Amschel

Bauer Rothschild

"Most Americans have no real understanding of the operation of the international money lenders. The accounts of the Federal Reserve System have never been audited. It operates outside the control of Congress and manipulates the credit of the United States" -- Sen. Barry Goldwater (Rep. AR)

"This [Federal Reserve Act] establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President

[Wilson} signs this bill, the invisible government of the monetary power will be legalized....the worst legislative crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking and currency bill." --

Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr. , 1913

"From now on, depressions will be scientifically created." -- Congressman Charles A.

Lindbergh Sr. , 1913

"The Federal Reserve bank buys government bonds without one penny..." -- Congressman

Wright Patman, Congressional Record, Sept 30, 1941

and on and on

what do you think we should do?

just sit there and take it?
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In other words, v ro, "you've got nothing!"

I respectfully say that because I asked what you would do, and your answer is you would continue to take pot-shots at the status-quo.

I see no value in tearing down the existing systems and infrastructure, or even questioning their legality and validity, if we have no alternate solution in mind....one that is better.

"I see no value in tearing down the existing systems and infrastructure, or even questioning their legality and validity, if we have no alternate solution in mind....one that is better."

what about having congress take control of the powers that they are supposed to have(money)....are you ingoring that on purpose?

I assume from your reply, that your solution is to just sit there and take it.

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