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You are saying that since America has shown it will vote for a man that isn't smart or that looks like a monkey they might therefore be ready to vote for a woman or a black man?

I think that America is not going to vote in large numbers for a Socialist woman and/or a black guy with a name that sounds like one of the 9/11 hijackers.

No offense intended, I just call 'em as I see 'em.

Union support will be there on paper but disappear in the voting booth (except for the teachers).

Curiously, the DNC is pissing off the citizens of Florida over moving up their primary so I don't look for the Dems to win FL.

The Clinton/Obama ticket, which is what it will be, will win most of the Northeast plus MI, WI, WA, OR, and CA. Will they get enough electoral votes to win? Dunno.
Clinton/Obama? I don't know. I think they hate each other enough that they couldn't run the country together. The Democratic party is fragmented. The party could take advantage of the bad events going on in Iraq or Afghanistan, but they are so busy fighting among themselves they can't defeat the Republicans even in their weakened state.

One saving grace for the Republicans is that President Bush has weathered these past seven years without a second attack on US soil. The economy is in decent shape, except for the housing bust. The only things I see negative are the expensive war and weak dollar.

In some ways, I think that we would be best served by a moderate candidate like McCain. Last election there was talk he might switch parties. He is rather popular with both sides, so perhaps he could build some consensus between the two parties and end the senseless partisan politics which has crippled our government the past ten years

Ron Paul is a whack job and I find it funny that many liberals think he would be good. Know what else Ron Paul would do?

Eliminate the Departments of Education, Labor, Transportation, and Interior

Eliminate Social Security

Eliminate the IRS (OK, he's not all bad)

Eliminate Medicare

Eliminate Medicaid

Eliminate Unemployment

All those middle class entitlements that liberals like -- gone. Personnally, I don't have a problem with that. I don't like that he is weak on defence and basically an isolationist. That has never gotten this country anywhere.

Mike Huckabee for 2008!!!! I see alot of people talking about traditional values, etc. Those of you that believe in that -- Look at Mike.

What IDIOT would vote for clinton or obama??? We would be better off with mickey mouse or donald duck.I do feel betrayed by our curant gov. ,but minorities and illegle aliens are what will put the DAMNacrats in the whitehouse and they will give away the rest of the country,just for more votes in future elections. These people, and "regestered" morons will kill the U.S.A..Just look at your history books,not the minority "friendly" ones in schools,they lie for a reason,but the real ones at your library.GOD bless America,and our troops,we are going to need all the help we can get!!!!
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My bias of Clinton and Obama is not about race or gender. It's strictly policy.

Clinton is a SOCIALIST.

Obama is a SOCIALIST.


The only thing that the Junior Senator and I agree on is .... well there MAY be something.

The only thing that the two-year Senator and I agree on is .... well there's not much.

They both believe that Government can fix the problem. I believe Government IS the problem. I'm not an extremist like Mr. Paul and want to annahiliate the Dept of Transportation, Education, Homeland Security, etc (although I believe all of them need serious overhauls). There is not a single problem in this country that capitalism cannot fix. There is not a single problem in this country that can't be solved if government would stay away.

- Global Warming (if you belive in it) can be solved though capitalism.

- Social Security can be solvent indefinately by letting every one take care of their own retirement (if you can afford to retire, you don't)

- Health Care Insurance would not be an issue if the goberment would get the hell out of it

- Individuals and organizations have done more to fight disease, poverty, homelessness, hunger, etc. than the government has ever done for less than 1/2 the cost.

Hillary is an example of the problem, not the solution. Teddy Kennedy is an example of the problem, not the solution. John Kerry, John McCain, Bill Richardson, Harry Reid, Nanci Pelosi, Olympia Snow, Ted Stevens, Blanche Lincoln, Mark Pryor, Larry Craig, etc. are all the problem, not the solution.

That being said, I don't think Guliani is the solution either. Romney? Thompson? Paul? ... nope.

Most of the current batch of kandidates are Republicrats or Demolists.... Liberal Republicans (to one degree or another) or Socialist Democrats.

As of Today, my vote is for 1) Huckabee, 2) Thompson or 3) Hunter. If neither of these guys are a candidate, then I will have to wait and see who else is. There are other I COULD vote for, but there are a few issues that I have to evaluate first:

Their Stance on the Following:

1) 2nd Amendment... Anyone says they are for gun control, you're automatically out. No if's, and's or but's about it

2) Abortion... If you say your Pro-Choice, generally you're out

3) Gay Marriage.... If you say you support it, you're automatically out. NOTE** I don't have as big of an issue with Civial Unions, though I don't support them.

4) Taxes... If you support raising them.... Gone.

5) Health Care... Any Universal proposal is an immediate No vote.

6) War in Iraq... Any immedate plans for unconditional surrender, uh rather "redeployment" is grounds for immediate dismisal

R Shrek.

Based on your following of;

1) 2nd Amendment... Anyone says they are for gun control, you're automatically out. No if's, and's or but's about it

2) Abortion... If you say your Pro-Choice, generally you're out

3) Gay Marriage.... If you say you support it, you're automatically out. NOTE** I don't have as big of an issue with Civial Unions, though I don't support them.

4) Taxes... If you support raising them.... Gone.

5) Health Care... Any Universal proposal is an immediate No vote.

6) War in Iraq... Any immedate plans for unconditional surrender, uh rather "redeployment" is grounds for immediate dismisal

Who does this leave to vote for????
Really nobody.

Seperate church and the government. Any candidate that claims to be a church goer, God speaks to him, and how much he loves God, is a liar and he knows it.

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Who does that leave me? See above. Huckabee, Thompson, Hunter. All of like mind, all view my issues the same way I do. It really is that easy.
Caymen said:
Seperate church and the government. Any candidate that claims to be a church goer, God speaks to him, and how much he loves God, is a liar and he knows it.

So, it's okay for you to admit that God has told you that you should subjugate your wife, but you have a problem if a candidate admits that God speaks into their lives in ways that will affect their decision making?

Again, I'm confused.

Are you saying our leaders need to be without faith and Godless? Or are you saying that they should simply hide that part of their life when running for office?

More important issue right now is that the Law Of The Sea Treaty is coming up for ratification. This will end up turning over a lot of our sovereignty to the U.N. I am not making this up. Call or email your Senators right now (I just did) and ask that they oppose it.

Lets just say for the heck of it that those left are exactly of my view as well. That said, they are basically unknown individuals. I am willing to bet if you had their name in a list and asked someone to point out who is running for President, few would be able to pick their names off the list.

My point, even if they are perfect, they are not known enough by enough people to get the votes needed to win the election.

Even if combined they took 50% of the total vote. That would mean each would have ruffly 16.6% each.

I do not know what the past presidents won by, but I do recall numbers like 23% to 28% of the total vote.

My point is, I seriously doubt anyone other than a big name will win the election if for no other reason then their name. I am not suggesting any of those that you desire to be Pres are not worth of the position. Just making a point which I believe id based on history.

Should it be this way? No. But I do believe it is.
If we keep it up, we will have candidates and presidents like "Dog the Bounty Hunter" before we know it...and we will deserve it.

Another shout out for the movie "Idiocracy".

Are you saying our leaders need to be without faith and Godless? Or are you saying that they should simply hide that part of their life when running for office?

You do not have to tell me everyday that you are a Christian. By your actions alone, you can show me your faith. Keeping the two seperate and doing what is best for the country and not what is best for your beliefs is the only we to be.

Lets look at abortion. Sure, I do not agree with Abortion and I think it is a horrible act. At the same time, I know that legal or not, they will still happen. By outlawing abortions, I am putting more people at risk by having closet abortion clinics, girls falling down steps to abort the baby, or using Draino to kill the fetus. Legalized abortions are the only way to address a problem.

How about gay marriage. First off, take marriage away from government. Marriage is from the bible and not man. Call all civil unions what they are. A civil union between two people. male and male, female and female, man and woman, woman and man, heck even "Pat" and "Pat". (vetern SNL viewers understand that one) Those in the GLBT society are people and deserve fair treatment in accordance with the Bill of Rights that "All men are created equal...Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. What they do behind closed doors is none of my business.

We got a guy in office that claims to be a man of God, yet he has killed over 3800 of our finest and over a million Iraqi's. Sure, we fall back on that picture if Sadaam with a cigar, yea, yea, yea, but the fact remains the man that was behind the attacks is still roaming free while we are trying to bring peace to a nation of people that do not want peace.

We are so blindsided with Iraq that we have no desire to find Bin Laden and some Americans actually believe that horse pucky.

Tom, I am still waiting to hear what is so terrible right now? How is your life so bad living under President Bush?

Seriously Tom, what is so bad?

Interest rates are low.

Unemployment is very low.

Standard of living is very high.

We have the best medical care in the world.

We have more freedom than others.

What is so bad?
Gavin, I was not sure if you were talking to TJR or myself since his name is Tom

Interest rates are low.

Something to keep the economy moving. They aready raised them and the economy slowed really quick.

Unemployment is very low.

$5.00/hr jobs with low unemployment is not a plus.

Standard of living is very high.

Starting to drop. Have you forgotten about the raising of the forclosures in the news?

We have the best medical care in the world.

That can be debatable. At the same time, we also pay some of the most. I know of someone that was injured in the Dominican Republic and she was ABSOLUTLY impressed with thier level of care vs. cost. A broken wrist. 1 1/2 hour ambulance ride to the hospital. X-Ray to look at the injury. Knocked out for 30 seconds so they could align the bone. Another X-Ray to make sure it was aligned properly. Put cast on. Ride home from the hospital.

Cost just under $1,000.00.

In the USA, the ambulance ride alone would be in excess of one grand.

In other countries, they will perform surgery that nobody would attempt in the USA.

Out health care system is overpriced and helps put the USA in an economic disadvantage against other countries.

We have more freedom than others.

We have some freedoms other contries have and at the same time, other countries have freedoms we do not have.

Unlike most Catholics, she does read the bible. She knows what the bible says about proper headship in a family. - Caymen

Tom, I am not sure where you get your information on this. I would say that most of the Billion Catholics in this World have read the bible. Perhaps not cover-to-cover, but a good portion read the Bible every day. It may just be excepts, as in the daily readings, but they do read it.

One other thing - some religions have their own versions of the Bible. For instance, I am open-minded and allowed some Jehovah's Witnesses into my house a few years ago. They began to tell me about their church and one of the things they told me is that Jehovah is God's first name. I was surprised to learn he had a first name and asked the source of this information. They showed it to me in their bible. I asked them if this was in all Bibles and they said "yes", and if I had a Bible they would show me.

I went to my bedroom and brought back my Catholic Bible and a King James version. They went to the same book and chapter and the "first name" of God wasn't in either of them. The younger woman looked extremely upset about this, and the older one said they would send someone with more experience to come speak with me. That is the last time any Jehovah's witnesses came to my house. Apparently, they figured out I am too informed to be swayed by their teachings.
Depending on what version of the KJV, the name has been removed. The NJKV has it removed while the old version has the name in it.

What is your point?
