Are you saying our leaders need to be without faith and Godless? Or are you saying that they should simply hide that part of their life when running for office?
You do not have to tell me everyday that you are a Christian. By your actions alone, you can show me your faith. Keeping the two seperate and doing what is best for the country and not what is best for your beliefs is the only we to be.
Lets look at abortion. Sure, I do not agree with Abortion and I think it is a horrible act. At the same time, I know that legal or not, they will still happen. By outlawing abortions, I am putting more people at risk by having closet abortion clinics, girls falling down steps to abort the baby, or using Draino to kill the fetus. Legalized abortions are the only way to address a problem.
How about gay marriage. First off, take marriage away from government. Marriage is from the bible and not man. Call all civil unions what they are. A civil union between two people. male and male, female and female, man and woman, woman and man, heck even "Pat" and "Pat". (vetern SNL viewers understand that one) Those in the GLBT society are people and deserve fair treatment in accordance with the
Bill of Rights that "All men are created equal...Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. What they do behind closed doors is none of my business.
We got a guy in office that claims to be a man of God, yet he has killed over 3800 of our finest and over a million Iraqi's. Sure, we fall back on that picture if Sadaam with a cigar, yea, yea, yea, but the fact remains the man that was behind the attacks is still roaming free while we are trying to bring peace to a nation of people that do not want peace.
We are so blindsided with Iraq that we have no desire to find Bin Laden and some Americans actually believe that horse pucky.