Jehova is a discription, not a name for God.
Jehova Raffa
Jehova Nissi
Jehova Shalom
Jehova Jireh
Jehova Tsidkenu
Jehova Shammah
There are other names as well:
El Shaddai
Yahweh (based on Judaism)
King of Kings
Lord of Lords
Lord of the Hosts
$5.00/hr jobs with low unemployment is not a plus.
??????:blink: I smell some BS. I thought that the minimum wage was up to $5.85/hour on it's way to $7.25 in less than 2 years?!
As of 10/13/07 the overall average hourly wage was between $16 and $17, based on 363,132 jobs reported. <a href></a>, with the low of $13.20/hour for individuals with less than 1 year of experience to $20.30 with individuals with 20+ years of experience.
Anything under $5.85/hour is ILLEGAL (unless you're a waitress getting Tips).
We have the best medical care in the world.
That can be debatable.
No, not really. Without the United States, the world would probably be still dealing with Polio. With the US, where would AZT and other AIDS drugs be? Without the US, where would world-wide cancer deaths be? We are the innovators. Government healthcare stiffles innovation. When was the last major medical breakthough to come out of Britian (other than "we may have found the 'gay' gene :wacko
. We pay because we can. We pay and other countries benefit.
I am a cancer survivor. I would not have even considered going to Canada, Britian, Russia or especially Cuba for my treatment. I went to my local hospital. I am cured. It didn't cost me an arm or a leg, just a testicle (literally). I went to the doctor on Tuesday with some pain. By friday I was back at home recouperating. In Britian, it would literally have taken 2+ weeks to get to the doctor and another 1-3 months for surgery. Gee.... thanks, but ya know, I'll pass on that.