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I know that we are required to pay sales tax when you file your state tax return. Some people, actually 99.999999999% choose not to. You admited you are of of the 99.999999999% that chooses not to do it.

Facts can be distorted. Double taxation is all over the place. It is unfortunate that too many people are blind to see it. Whatever the government says it must be for our own good.

Paying tax on money that has already been taxed is double taxation. Take a 401(k), for example, you do not pay income tax on that money, except city income tax. Why? Because when you withdrawl that money, the state and feds get to tax that money as income. The local city tax is not allowed to tax 401(k) withdrawls. So they get thier tax before it is deposited into the 401(k) account. Single taxation.

As for the suggestin you made, only a moron thinks the way you do.

Gee, I thought this thread was about the value of buying genuine Ford parts? But I will jump into the fray regarding taxes.

In Texas we do not have an income tax but we do have State, County, and some places have a form of City sales tax. As someone who sells a product over the Inernet, I am required to collect the State portion of the sales tax for items sold and shipped to addresses in Texas only. My business is not registered an anyother state except Texas, so I am not authorized to collect sales taxes for any other state. I'm am sure that no State is authorized to collect taxes for another State.

I know that a number of States have proposed legislation to tax internet and catalog sales shipped to residents outside their States. But this can only occur if the business selling the products is registered to do business in the other States and is authorized to collect taxes for the other States. There are many businesses that do register to do business in multiple States because of numerous tax advantages.

I don't feel that anyone who is not visiting in Texas or is not a resident of Texas should be required to pay sales taxes to Texas, just as I don't feel I should be required to pay sales taxes to any other State. That is called "Taxation without representation" and was deemed an unjust tax about 230 years ago and was the driving force behind the Boston Tea Party and the Revolutionary War that gained the United States it's independency from England.

I don't believe the statement that most States require people to pay State sales taxes to their home States for Internet and Catalog purchases made from a company not registered to do business in their State. I don't believe many people would volunteer to pay taxes that the State cannot verify, and are at least lquestionable that they even due and payable to them. There may be a line on some tax forms that allows State residence to "Deduct" Sales taxes "Paid' to their State or to other States. similar to the Federal Income Tax forms that allow you to Deduct taxes paid to foreign governments.


Double taxation isn't illegal. Find where the US Constitution says it's illegal. Find the Federal Law where it says it's illegal. Find a State Law where it says it's illegal. Oh can't, because it's not. Technically or litterally, it's not illegal.

..."The Taxpayer disputes the assessment at issue on the basis that it amounts to double

taxation, which the Taxpayer believes is prohibited. It is a popular misconception that there is

something inherently illegal or unconstitutional with double taxation. As noted by Justice

Oliver Wendell Holmes in Ft. Smith Lumber Co. v. Arkansas, 251 U.S. 532 (1920), the U.S.

Constitution "no more forbids double taxation than it does doubling the amount of a tax."

Although there is nothing inherently illegal with double taxation.most tax policy makers, such

as state legislatures and Congress, recognize that from a tax policy standpoint, double taxation

is objectionable because it is perceived to be unfair"...

But of course, what does a Supreme Court Justice know about laws or the Constitution?
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Cayman says:
If I pay tax on my money, then I should not have to pay tax on that money again. If I pay income tax, then I use that money, if I am not getting taxed twice,

You do recognize, Tom, that last year the IRS added a federal deduction for state taxes paid?

So, if you claimed that deduction, you didn't actually pay taxes twice.

Your original post made it sound like ALL sales taxes were illegal...not the act of double (or triple) taxation was legal.

What about liquor, gas, and tobacco....I pay all sorts of taxes on those?

Also, Caymen you say:
So in other words, get ready to have TJR and Scott Simon call you a crook since you, like me, admit buying stuff online to save sales tax.

I never called you a crook. Please don't say things I said unless you are sure I said it. I never said that, and I never even implied it. I simply tried to implore you to use less inflammatory and absolute wording in your posts (e.g. "sales taxes are illegal").

Your emotions will get the better of you Tom...and they tend to in many threads. That's actually one of the things I like about you!

Oh, and BTW, I buy stuff online all the time to save the 6% PA sales tax, when it works out that shipping and local price considered mean I save money if buying online. And, do I claim all those out of state purchases....that's between me and the IRS. ;)

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NelsonOKC says:
I pay tax on my Ford parts, whether they are OEM or not. If I die and leave my truck to my daughter, she will pay inheritance tax on the entire vehicle again

Can I be your friend, Nelson. Will you adopt me?

I ask because inheritance tax doesn't kick in until you have an estate over ~$600K. Homes, cars, money, stocks, bonds, etc. can all be passed down to direct descendents free from tax up to that threshold.

Good to know Tom (TJR). I'll have to cancel one of my life insurance policies, since I am worth more dead than alive. :blink:

If I were killed in combat, my daughter would get more than that $600K, plus the house and ST. She is an only child, and she is very territiorial about her room, so I guess I can't take in an adopted son. :p

By the way, she is drooling to get my ST on her 16th birthday. I'll try to keep it a Ford, as long as those Ford parts don't cost me too much (trying, with no luck, to keep my posts on If my financial situation allows me to give her the ST, I'll try to get something nicer, not ricer (like the '07 ST). :D
I don't get it, you pay income tax on what you make, sales tax on what you buy, then if you sell it, you have to collect sales tax again because you have to pay tax on the sale you made, and income tax because you made money from it.

Now I need to pay double sales tax on an item if I bought something out of state, I paid sales tax in that state, and I need to pay sales tax in my state as well. Sounds ******, someone start a revolution other than Chevy please.

May (insert or omit (non)-secular being that created us all) (insert desired form of blessing) the grand old (opry or USA)... and overthrow the Bush administration, George Pataki, and Michael Bloomberg. Oh and if you have some free time, smote the fool that put those awful factory shocks on our Tracs, and P.S. if you have just one more minute, could you give a case of explosive diarrhea to the fool that picked the Goodyear RT/S tires for the recall, I really didn't care for them, I hope that it is the same person so that your busy schedule is eased.

I just got my letter, they're taxing me IRS actions performed on me, but I get a credit because they did not have any vaseline at the time of incurred tax.

It was signed "Agent Cobra Bubbles".


One of my buddies has a wife that works for the IRS. She hates her job, and everyone she deals with in her duties hates her. Her job is to seize the property of people who refuse to pay their taxes.

Everyone, including Jesus, dislikes tax collectors. However, if no one paid taxes, our government and military would be dissolved, and we would have to buy our own bullets to defend our freedoms, our lives and our property (including my Ford, which I try to keep Ford).
Thersa's cousin works for the IRS, even though he is not part of the IRS. Know what he is?

Scott, I never called you a name. I only said a Moron thinks like you do, I never said you were a moron, but if you read into it, then that isn't my problem you think I think you are a moron.

However, if no one paid taxes, our government and military would be dissolved, and we would have to buy our own bullets to defend our freedoms, our lives and our property

That may actually be a good thing. I've already got plenty of bullets. Of course, I can afford bullets since my state does not have state income tax! :D
I can't acheive my second amendment rights legally. I'm also not one of those survivalists that stockpiles day and night.

But I have all I need to survive most situations.
How did you guess?

Are you resorting to name calling now? We can take this offline if you care to continue this. My email address is in my profile. Please feel free to email me.


That form is only for California and I think we all know that California is not normal. But I guess only in California would people be crazy enough to pay that tax. :p It can only be on there as a voluntary tax (Idiot tax) since the State would have no way to prove anyone bought anything out of state, and it would take an Idiot to volunteer to pay it. :D

Also, at last count I thought there were 50 States, so California would not constitute "Most" states as was previously stated. "Most" States is what I said in my statement you quoted, but obviously did not read.

You are correct that you cannot find a Texas State income tax form on the Internet. I stated clearly in my posting that Texas did not have any Income Tax.

I wonder if I should send the State of California a list of all the people who purchased my products that I shipped to their State. I wonder if they would crosscheck the names with the people who had register Sport Tracs and then charge them with tax evasion

RichL--California was the only example given, but I know firsthand that it is basically the same in several other states (MN, WI, and FL, among others), and I've definitely heard many times from many different sources that most states for which I don't have firsthand knowledge do have this. They can differ signficantly in things like minimum threshholds before it kicks in, or on what types of products they apply, but they are there.

In Minnesota, there's a section like that on the state income tax form. Also, if you purchase a vehicle, when you go to register it you need to declare the purchase price and pay tax on it if it was purchased from a private party or from out-of-state. Many people will skirt the system a bit--instead of paying, say, $10K for a car from a private party, they'll pay $6K, and also buy a comb from them for $4K--but it's plenty illegal, and if the car sale price that you claim varies significantly from fair market value, they will investigate. And many private sellers won't do that, as both the seller and buyer sign off on the purchase price, and if it's found to be fraudulent, both parties are in hot water.
My aunt and uncle sold a 2 year old Lincoln Town car for something like $1,000.00. Since the Lincoln was in Dad's name, we got a phone call from the state of Ohio about why a 2 year old car was sold for $1,000.00. Dad had to produce proof that the lincoln was damamged in an accident and was severly damaged.


Two states still don't mean "Most" regarless of what you were told.

I don't see how the States could ever verify what you bought online, via telephone, ar mail order catalogs? States cannot hold sellers in other States accountable to them. Sellers cannot force people to give them their SSAN just to buy something from a website, and without an SSAN the State cannot prove you where the Scott Simon that made the purchase.

All that will happens is that the websites will funnel their sales to States that don't expect them to collect taxes, or move their ordering operations out of the US. States cannot legislate businesses ouside their borders and neither can the US. Then the politicians will wonder why the businesses are moving out of their states or out of the country. :wacko:

I really think we are moving closer and closer to a major tax revolt in this country. People are getting tired of hearing all the political retoric. Taxes keep going up to pay for political pork and there is plenty of pork on both sides of the politcal fence.


PA is another state that collects a USE TAX. I suspect it is totally an honor system at this point. And, yes, in their examples they call for individuals to pay USE TAX on out-of-state catalog and Internet-based purchases.

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