Laptop question.

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The only reason that I even mentioned Windows is that some classes may require programs that aren't available in Mac OSX compatible versions. I do everything I can to avoid using Windows, as it's a cumbersome, annoying and antiquated interface. I simply meant that if you're FORCED to use Windows, you can do so on a Mac. Meanwhile, you'll enjoy the superior equipment and user-friendly OS that Apple provides the rest of the time.

As for your "95% of businesses use PCs" statement, well, McDonalds uses a lot more beef than Ruth's Chris does, but I'll stick with the steak when it comes time for my supper.

Then again, I am in advertising.

Are you sure she can't use a desktop PC instead?

I am pretty sure. Many of her classes REQUIRE her to bring the machine to the class room. I guess a 2 wheel cart and a generator would work. Extension cords are cheap too.

Thanks for clarifying that Tom... in your initial question, you didn't say the computer would be needed in class itself.

With my daughters situation, I think she just wanted a notebook for the 'status symbol' it represented, not the actual utility of having a notebook PC.
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I've got a Fujitsu P5020 ultraportable that I max'd out to 1G RAM (80MB HD). The new P7000 series have room for 2G RAM, should look into it. I love the small form factor, and the screen is pretty clear. I've taken notes at seminars with it, and though you'd think you'd want a bigger display, it's been perfect and unobstructive, even on a small desk/table.

I think the website is I've had 2 Fujitsu's, and have had no complaints. The P-series are also great on a plane for watching DVD's. :p

I've had problems with both.

Toshiba had problems with it's internal power supply, and Compaq was obsolete in about 6 months. Both were Intel Pentiums.

About 3 years ago I purchased a Averatec laptop and I love it. Int's and AMD with only 256MB ram and a 30GB HHD but it does everything I need.

I just got my desktop fixed (Also and AMD that I built). I was getting a lot of Blue screens after about a year of operation. The Blue screens were for different reasons which turned out to be a bad CPU fan and a cheap HHD data cable. I replaced the CPU fan and heatsink and upgraded the HHD and cables and the machine runs flawlessly so far. I still need to reconnect my network since I switched to a Cable modem a few months ago.

My last 3 computers were all AMD's and I have not had any problems with them. I think they pack the most bang for the buck.


I bought the $400 budget Dell laptop for my daughter last Christmas. That is an awesome machine for the price. I have a Toshiba Satellite. It has been reliable, but weighs a ton -- battery life sucks too!

I won't run Windows on less than 1GB of RAM. A 80GB hard drive should fill anyones needs. She could store every homework assignment during her four year college career on that, plus probably every song made in the past decade.