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rob moore 2

Active Member
Oct 23, 2002
Reaction score
lenoir city, TN
Had late night visitors last night. Bout 11:30, i hear my door bell ring. Go to the door and hear lots of talking, open the door and there stands my highway patrol neighbor from acroos the street, out of uniform, bout 3 city policeman, 3 more in my yard with flashlights, and im like holy s*** whats going on. Seems my neighbor heard someone shooting bottle rockets and looked out his window and some some young juvies taking aim and our snow globe in the front yard, they took off around the block and he jumped in his patrol car and headed them off. brought them back to my house. They said they knew me, so he asked me to take a look at them to see if i knew them, never seen them before. The parents of 2 of them showed up and one of them kept saying her son wasnt involved(he was in the back seat). My neighbor asked her how she would felt if the bottle rocket went thru my window and caught the house on fire. she changed her attitude after that. The city police didnt want to do anything but give the kids a warning, but the trooper said NO, either they cite them or he will.

Needless to say they cited the one who admitted to shooting the rocket. He said they had done it to about 8 houses last night.

go out this morning adn find a hole in the globe and the bottle rocket laying a few feet away.

got the city back out this morning to do a report.

do i need to get acopy of the report and show up at the court.

the globe was around 130

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Yep find the receipt and get a copy of the report and go talk to the D. A.

Suggest lots of community service helping families with destroyed homes from fires.

Kids sometimes need tough love to make them better people.

Any documentation you get can't hurt....

I would get a written estimate of the replacement cost of the globe. The price may have changed since you bought it...
I utterly hate every single person in my neighborhood, child, teen, and adult alike. Our neighbor"hoodlums" are the worst which is why my house is currently for sale. I won't go into the details why because that could take several hours of typing. But lets just say I asked santa for the optional ford motorcraft mini gun and grenade launcher this year.

Face it guys, the main reason we own a sport tracs is because it's the only vehicle within alot of our reaches that resemble a Halo Warthog.
Some of my neighborhood sweeties egged my van - twice within 24 hours! I had it parked on the side of the ST closest to the street, so it was the sacrificial vehicle. I'm glad they didn't hit the ST with the eggs.

It's the third time my house/vehicles have been egged since I moved in here, late February of this year.

I bought a webcam and stuck it in the front window - haven't had trouble since. Either they see the cam and don't want to get caught, or they got bored of egging my place...
If parents knew where their kids were after dark, this wouldn't be an issue. My parents never allowed my brother and me to be on the streets after dark, unless they were with us. Even when we were 18, we had a 10 pm curfew until we moved away from home.

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