LeBron's decision.......

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So here's a question--By defecting, and especially by the way he did it with such a ridiculous dog-and-pony show, how severely has LeBron hurt his public image, and therefore his marketing income capabilities? Most people I've talked to were left with a very negative impression of his handling of the whole process.

People have short memories. They will forget as soon as the HEAT rolls into town...
People have short memories. They will forget as soon as the HEAT rolls into town...


I once worked for an architect that was always in the paper getting criticized for something he'd done wrong or someone he'd screwed over.

I was 20 years old and new at the whole business. He told me that ANY publicity is good - even the bad stuff and that "People have short memories, they'll remember his name but not what he did".

He was right.
I'm not so sure. Maybe they'll have short memories of this in general across the country, but in some areas (especially northern Ohio, obviously), I think this could have staying power.

"People have short memories." Try telling that to Bill Buckner.
as far as short memory goes, I've heard from a couple of friends that moved to MN recently talk about how Minnesotans are still bitter over the North Stars leaving for Dallas, and that was a long time ago. I for one really don't watch pro-hockey anymore because of that.
Andy, I know quite a few people who have had children since the North Stars left, who taught their children during potty training to call pooping "taking a 'Norm'". My wife's a kindergarten teacher in the area, and has heard it many times, often from kids who have no idea that that's not the most common term. Any time they get a new kindergarten teacher in the district, that's one of the local phrases they learn to interpret from their students. And to think that was 17 years ago--there are now young adults out there who have used the phrase "taking a Norm" for nearly their entire life!!!