Message for Clay

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Jul 11, 2003
Reaction score
San Luis, AZ
Hey Clay, this is Jose Velazquez and I sorry that you take it this way. All I wanted is info about your explorer with V8: thougth it was a V8 in a ST. I saw this picture and wanted info. that's all. Asking for knowledge.

I'm member since 2003, look for Jose "Pepe" Velazquez. I'm in Arizona. Thank you very much about your compliments Dingo about my English. I'm learning and practicing too much. :D
Mucho gusto. :)

Vivi en Colombia dos anos. Soy alto y rubio, pero puedo hablar en espanol tambien.

Eres de Mexico?
dingo cant you at least speak english if he cant understand it he should learn it!! you adding to the problem not helping it!!
Hola Pepe. Lo siento. Pero yo no tengo un V8 en mi ST. Pero you quiere uno. The message just seemed odd to me like spam and I have had somethings get hacked lately like my facebook page. Never can be to careful. But i hope someone can help you out with the V8 thing
Why not we all speak the only language that should be spoken by americans, in america,

Is called the english language

Learn it or go back to where you came from.If your going to deal with english speaking people.
YEP, you do not speak english, you do not know how to drive, you are not a legal citizen, you live on welfare, you pay no taxes, you have 6 children.

go back to where you came from, we do not need your trash.
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Wow there are some very ignorant poeple on here and I dont mean Jose Velazquez. I say we export all the poor white trailer trash first. At least the illegal immigrants want to work.
I speak fluent Spanish, and I'm an American-born citizen. I also own 3 companies, have 5 college degrees, and pay PLENTY of taxes. :)

Impressive, name the 3 companys,You have 5 degrees in what? and what colleges did you recive them from?, not dissen dude, but have dealt with you in the past.

hard to belive that you have 5 degs.
Bill im glad you expanded on your previous statement.

YEP, you do not speak english, you do not know how to drive, you are not a legal citizen, you live on welfare, you pay no taxes, you have 6 children.

go back to where you came from, we do not need your trash.

I agree with every bit of that statement. If your illegal, i dont feel like i should be paying for your kids to go to school with my tax money. If you are legal i feel you have just as much right to be here as i do. but dont expect us to learn other languages so that we can communicate with you. I come to your country i learn your language.
Calhoun Performance Engineering, Calhoun Sales, LLC, and Breakthrough Addiction Recovery.

2 Associates, 2 Bachelors, and a Doctorate. The first 4 were earned from Georgia Tech, the latter was a complete BS degree I ordered from the Universal Life Church in Tempe, AZ. :D

One of the degrees just MIGHT be in Spanish. :D
LLC=Limited Liability Corporation

I spent 4 years in college. Double major and double minor. I've always tested well, and never done homework. I barely got any of them because of that fact, but I could also take a huge courseload because of it.
You do homework in High school, you present papers in college, you do a thesis to get a doctorate,done all that.


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