My Home made ST video

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does everything on this site have to turn into a plitical hodgepodge of crap. Seems as though noone can show something, ask something or give an answer without someone ripping him/her a new a--hole.

Cool video.
bpoche, it really is you that should rewatch the vid. Freeze frame at 1m24s, and you will see the red light for the opposing traffic on the right side of the screen, and the two yellow lights hanging over the intersection, then at 1m25s, just before going under them, the overhead lights turn red.

As for Caymen's comment about "point of no return" and we critics on our "pedestals"; Consider the vid a little more closely. I watched it like the Zapruder film.

- At 1m11s Kyle passes a truck pulling a trailer (passing via the passing lane). Caution lights are clearly seen flashing for the opposing traffic in the upcoming intersection at that time (1m12s), and the green lights for the main road can be clearly seen at that time or moment later.

- At 1m21s the stale green light turns from green to yellow. That means that Kyle traveled almost 5 more seconds, at a rather high rate of speed might I add, before reaching the center of the intersection that displayed a yellow light. How many lights have you all seen that stay yellow for a full 5 seconds? Do you all know how long 5 seconds is?

So, in my opinion, he was driving at what appeared to be a rate over the speed limit; he failed to reduce his speed as he approached an intersection that clearly had a stale green (he saw it green for over 10 seconds and quite some distance); and he traveled for almost 5 seconds between when the light turned yellow to when he hit the intersection.

All while filming with a camera. If you think me or someone else pointing these things out is us on a pedestal, than I guess you all just don't see any problem with this behavior.

And, I don't want this website to turn into a cross between "Jackass" and "The Fast and the Furious".

Enjoy yourself folks, but please be safe!

BTW, TO BE TOTALLY FAIR TO Kyle, if he comes back and says he did this ALL under the speed limit then I retract MOST of what I said; but if it were the case that he was going 10 or 15 miles over, or more, all while video taping and pushing red lights, than I have to stand behind my opinion that it's probably not a great idea.

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BTW, James did you feel that I ripped Kyle an a-hole? He put the video out there, he even disclaimed it. I pointed out a concern, and opinion and asked him a question.

I even told him the editing was good.

Not necessarity TJR, however, for the past week this site has turned into everyone just giving people alot of crap. I believe he just posted the video for people to give honest comments on his videography, not on his driving ability. I agree that I don't want to come to this site to see stupid videos of people doing stupid things. However, I believe that this site should provide people true opinions, good or bad, about what they are asking about. A couple of post lately has just gone overboard with peoples opinions to the point "in my opinion" of personal attacks. I just don't feel that is necessary.

But, I love this site. I have never stayed on a site like I do this one. It is really killer. And thanks to all that make it possible and to all that answer questions on problems I have had.

Nice editing and a bad-a$$ looking Trac. Never seen black rims look so good. As for the light, looks like it turned red just as he sped under them. Cross traffic still seemed to be at a red. Be careful out there though.
I have viewed it over and over at pause and play...the light was already red when he entered the intersection...If he wasnt speeding, why was he passing all the cars on the right...
He was going 120 kph just after the orange light!

Approximately 75 mph!

In my opinion too fast for city streets.:(

BTW: Nice work on the video (other than the speeding, etc.)
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So from the observations made here, info in his profile, the video and the website which hosted the video, we have the following facts:


Kyle Lang

London, Ontario, Canada


2001 Ford Explorer Sport Trac (Black)

License Plate: Ontario 552-4MN


Suresh John

aka (from "whois" registration info)


Sunil John

Richmond St.

London, Ontario N6G4W7


Domain name: SKJOHN.COM

Administrative Contact:

John, Sunil [email protected]

xxxx Richmond St. Unit xx

London, Ontario N6G4W7


Alleged Crime(s):

Wreckless Driving (Speeding)

Failure to stop at a Redlight

An internet search reveals that the London Police are available at


601 Dundas Street,

London Ontario Canada N6B 1X1


e-mail: [email protected]

It took me less than 10 minutes to figure this out. Pretty scary, huh?
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Yes, you can see Mr John in the passenger rearview mirror holding the camera in the video. Mr Lang is driving and Mr John is filming. The credits at the end of the video also confirm this.
Okay, that's better then, as long as the driver wasn't filming. Besides, you should always have the passenger film that way you have an eye-witness to the t-bone crash at the intersections you blow through! ;)

I feel a little better knowing there was a cameraman. A little.
FlipTrac says:
As for the light, looks like it turned red just as he sped under them. Cross traffic still seemed to be at a red. Be careful out there though.

"Sped" being the operative word. Also, the cross-traffic had what appeared to be flashing yellows (which seemed odd to me...anyone else see that, or are they flashing reds as in a stop sign). And, yes, the lights did turn red just before going under them....but that was about 5 seconds and several hundred yards after changing from green to yellow...and almost 10 seconds of approaching a stale green before that. I am pretty convinced that the video taping and the hot-dogging lead to some pretty poor judgement of pushing that light, and the speed.... NOT the kind of thing a so-called professional should do just for entertainment; IMHO.

Still, the editing was nice.
