My Home made ST video

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It took me less than 10 minutes to figure this out. Pretty scary, huh?

No, what's scary is the fact that you would post info like that on a public website whether the info is in the public domain or not. I think that's just a little over the line although it was some good detective work. Personally, I don't think that was a wise decision.

I'm not gonna rip on Kyle, it was a cool video, and I have sped, passed on the right and even slipped through an intersection on the last moments of a Yellow light and seeing it turn Red as I was almost under it, but I was definately in the intersection enough to where I could barely see the Red before I got through it.

Nice video Kyle, you should be able to do a good job editing one for your wedding.

I removed the house and phone numbers of the accomplice.

What I found odd, is he won't risk putting clear corners on his truck, because it is illegal. :huh:
Nice quality video, driving not blatantly stupid but certainly illegal and best done on more rural roads with fewer vehicles and potential accident victims. Nelson-congats for the appropriate warning- I feel thats certainly wiser than the video.
No, what's scary is the fact that you would post info like that on a public website whether the info is in the public domain or not. I think that's just a little over the line although it was some good detective work. Personally, I don't think that was a wise decision.

Well put.

What if I posted Nelson address here...just to show how easy it was to get that information? Do you think he would appreciate it?


With a first and last name along with a state, one can find almost anyone using Google, especially if you have an uncommon name. I don't worry about it, since I can do nothing to prevent it.

Lasik1 figured out the point of my post.
Hey Kyle... Just to stir up contraversy I think you should go to TJR's home town and blow through every red light and cut doughnuts in his front yard. hahahahha.

I do agree that alot of members on here seem to do anything they can to pick apart people in posts and make some of the visitirs feel unwelcome. I think everyone needs to lighten up, take the posts for what they are, dont try to preach life lessons etc... No matter what you have to say on here to a member (like this one) he is not going to come to some sort of revelation and completely change the way he drives, makes videos or lives his life so why waste your energy.

Big D says:
Hey Kyle... Just to stir up contraversy I think you should go to TJR's home town and blow through every red light and cut doughnuts in his front yard. hahahahha.

Thanks Big D. Thanks for responding to lawlessness with additional lawlessness.

That's the difference between you and I, Big D, not only do I not agree with what Kyle did and recommend against it, you would actually encourage destruction of personal property and additional reckless driving instead.

Unless the hahahahahaha was meant as a "just kidding", in which case, well, I guess I don't see the humor in my property be damaged or my friends, neighbors and children put in harms way.

But, if that's what passes as humor and entertainment for you, well then I guess I understand our disconnect!

P.S. I will NEVER attempt to make a visitor that posts unsafe and unlawful driving on this site, or other lawless activities FEEL WELCOME. Sorry, there is NO EXCUSE for that.

Big D also says:
No matter what you have to say on here to a member (like this one) he is not going to come to some sort of revelation and completely change the way he drives, makes videos or lives his life so why waste your energy.

That's a DEFEATIST ATTITUDE. People can change. People behaving badly SHOULD change. You obviously think I AM behaving badly Big D, so much so you want my personal property damaged to make your point.

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Still, you can't count on the other drivers to be aware of their surroundings, that's why there are race strips.

Race the strip not the street ...

Well they keep closing the drag strips.. They closed the one closest to me and now street racing has gone up...
The more I think about this the more I feel compelled to say that I am sorry if Kyle felt unwelcome, or even worse, felt the need to leave the site totally.

However, I would have been more encouraged if he at least posted something like: "Yeah, you guys are right, it was stupid and selfish and I won't do something like that again!", but as Big D said some people don't change nor can they take constructive criticism.