Mystery rattle prank from assembly plant?

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Well-Known Member
May 15, 2004
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L.A., CA
A couple of months back I was cleaning the glove compartment and found a black, single-peg, 1/3 height LEGO piece. Now I loved Legos as a kid but there is no way I, or any passenger I've had, put it there (inadvertently or otherwise). I also doubt highly that previous test drivers did. Could this be one of those pranks from an assembly worker that was supposed to create a mystery rattle?
I'm curious what this piece looks like. Is it a 1x1 piece, where three on top of each other would amount to one square piece? In other words, was this piece the same size/shape as the square "headlight" pieces commonly used?

Good God, my childhood is coming back to me. I still have a huge Rubbermade container at my parents' house, filled to the top with those things.
It ain't a prank thing, we assy plant workers don't have the time or the energy to screw with the vehicles we build. It may have come from the dealer before you bought it, some of the prospective customers let their kids climb all over the new cars at the lots. Kinda like a playground except with tires.

Have a good one

It's a black piece, headlight type Adam. It was no big deal. I just remember reading a post where a member or a tech found a bolt hidden in the dash with a note attached saying 'it's about time you found me' (or something or other). Thus my original post.
bpoche already nailed it. It's one, of a couple, of black Leggo pieces that are provided to mount on the inside of your garage door opener button in your overhead console. Since garage door opener remotes come in various sizes, you're supposed to use as many as necessary to allow the console button to reach the remote button.

My Trac came with two or three of these pieces. No prank.
Adam, my sarcasm was for Caymen cuz he knows how paranoid I am when it comes to 'oddities' with my Trac. :D

I guess Bpoche wins the prize. Thanks for the clarification Eric. I've long since discarded it so I have no actual pic, but here's an illustration (red arrow points to piece):

[Broken External Image]:
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I feel left out, I didnt get one...:lol:

My grandfather bought a '59chevy tudor new..the panel next to the right rear seat rusted out...when he pulled all the rust out, he found a bag of wet uphostry staples that cause the rust, from the inside....
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How about the Saturn dealer that found a half eaten pbj sandwich in the car door....

I believe they gave the owner a new car..

Todd Z
A wet bag wouldn't stay wet that long, eventually it'll dry out unless the car is constantly damp. People leave stuff in things all the time, when they remodel my parents old house someday they'll find a pair of spock ears in the wall of my old bedroom. When my inlaws remodelled their house they found beer cans in the walls, wicked old beer cans with screw tops. Then again, sometimes it isn't the old houses, the neighbors kids took a dump in one of the new houses of my subdivision. A group of kids each picked a furnace vent to use. At least they all got arrested and had to pay to fix it. :)
You have discovered Ford's carefully guarded secret. The Sport Trac is actually made out of Legos. Sure they will deny it when all of you go to Louisville. But it's true!
I've had a rattle since day one in the door post between the right side doors. It comes and goes, naturally it goes away when I take it to the dealer.:rolleyes: I fix it by turning the radio up louder.