Need Help. I need a thesis statement comparing dial up vs cable modem???

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Kevin Palmer

Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2001
Reaction score
Madison, OH
I did an essay for an English class and I am stuck on one little sentence, it just so happens to be the theses statement.

My essay is comparing dial-up service vs. cable modem service, (it was a comparative essay).

I need a sentence to close out my introduction pargraph...

Any suggestions would be appreciated....
"Dial up and DSL SUCK hands down, Bite the bullet and chump out the extra cash if you want the fastest most reliable service in town, I know I did."


I only say this because my office trailer has DSL and it is Painfully SLOW !!!!!!!!!!

Todd Z
Todd, we are on the same page, but I think if I put dial up sucks as my thesis statement it may affect my grade just a tad...

Hey, thanks though... LOL

With all that is happening in London right now my school work may not be an issue...

Several of my comrades are on flights to London already.
Is there any noticable difference between dial-up service and cable modem service for a residential computer user?

It is like night and day. I can't imagine using dial-up on a daily basis. Time to download software, documents, pictures is significantly less with cable. Using mapping software (Google Earth or World Wind), downloading large software tools or updates, sharing pictures with family are all much easier with cable.

What is your assertion in this essay? It makes internet users more efficient, it enables work from home, enables use of high bandwidth programs ...

What conclusions did you arrive at?

If you've already written the paper, the thesis should just be a sentence that makes an assertion which is then supported in your paper.

"Due to significantly increased data transfer rates, the use of a cable modem (insert the conclusion you came to here)."
For what it's worth...:)

"While there are numerous technical differences between the two competing technologies, many of the differences between DSL and cable modem service originate not with the technology itself but rather with the service provider. All other things being equal, factors like cost, reliability and quality of customer support can vary significantly from one provider to the next."

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Is there any noticable difference between dial-up service and cable modem service for a residential computer user?

Uhh, Yeah, like PRM says, it is like night and day. I put up with dial up until Decemeber last year. Now everything works way faster, more than one computer can get on the internet at the same time.
Where I live it's just the opposite. With Time Warner cable I had frequent brown-outs and the speed never approached what they advertised. With DSL, I have had very few problems and it's much faster then the cable.

I can't believe anyone would have dial-up anymore unless it's the only thing available in their area.
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Is there really a significant difference in dial-up and cable internet services?

Just summarize your entire purpose for the paper in a sentence.;)
Given that you are looking for a closing sentence to an intro paragraph, I assume you need that sentence to "set the theme" of the rest of the paper and give the reader direct information about the paper's purpose and what they should get from it.

So, with that in mind how about something simple and straightforward like:

Throughout the rest of this paper dial-up and cable modem services will be compared and contrasted with the objective that the reader will become informed as to different the aspects of each services along with their relative strengths and weaknesses.

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TJR, with your suggestion and my initial thoughts I was able to get a good sentence put together, thanks.... I appreciate it.

Man, one simple sentence can really make the difference.
Your welcome. The key to a good paper is that it FLOW...that each paragraph stand on its own, but at the same time each further the overall thought. The reader should never be surprised at the content that comes next, and should always be reassured that what they are reading is part of the overall expected work. All too often today I read papers that are simply a mish-mosh of factoids strewn together. Good luck!
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TJR has got it! The thesis statement asks the question.

BTW: I know the difference between cable modems and DSL / Dial-up. I was suggesting a thesis statement at a late hour...
I have used dial-up, DSL, and Cable modems and found that dial=up, even with accellerators is pitifully slow if you do any kind of downloading.

DSL is significantly faster, but tends to be a bit more expensive than cable.

Cable service can be much faster but most cable companies charge a higher rate for faster guaranteed download speeds. With cable, the companies often limit your maximum speed and your speed may be further reduced by neighbors who are sharing the service on the same cable line group.

I recently changed from DSL to Cable. I got a heavily discounted package that included cabl$20e TV, Cable Internet, and Cable telephone service. The total price of this package is $20 cheaper than all my previous services (SBC telephone/DSL with Time-Warner Cable). The new company is Grande Communications (Select areas inTexas only). I get better Cable channels, excellent telephone service, and Internet speeds that are always twice as fast as their guaranteed minimum dowload speeds.

I only pay fee's on the telephone service. I do not get charged all those extra fees on my cable service or internet service.

It was an easy essay, just needed to nail down the thesis statement.

We needed to do a comparative essay, figured it would not be too difficult using dial-up vs. cable modems.
>> You should never use phrases like "in this paper" in a paper.

Oh.....then please provide alternatives Q, and a source that furthers your claim.

You should never use phrases like "in this paper" in a paper.

Q is defintely correct here. I think I was taught this in a technical writing class but it should definitely not be done.

Coastie, maybe you can post your introduction paragraph or at least part of it to help us get somehting that will work. Sorry I don't have an idea right now.

I don't have a problem with "rest of this paper", but you could rephrase it to something like; Here, we will examine the differences... Also, don't forget the transitional statement in your intruductory paragraph. The reader should know the context of the following paragraph before beginning it.

George C...I took a technical writing class in college and remember no such thing. And, a quick Google search didn't find any sites giving grammatical advice NOT to do this, but TONS with papers that include the words " this paper...".

If it could be avoided, sure, go for it. That's why I asked if SOMEONE could please give alternate verbiage that conveys the idea to the reader of what the paper will cover. Sure, I guess you could say: "This thesis will..." but isn't that the same thing?

