need some advice

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nick inabinet

Mar 2, 2005
Reaction score
greenville, NC
well guys graduation is almost here for me and i have a few questions on what i should do with all of the money i have been recieving from freinds and relatives. i know thats its probably a good idea to save some of my money for college but i really want to spend some $ on the trac. so heres my question, should i mod out the trac with the couple hundred i've got or but it aside for spending money in college ? keep in mind that this money would be used up in a couple months on junk food and useless stuff. i was thinking about getting the flasher as i could possible save some money on gas.
Save the money for college. You'll be surprised how much your priorities change once you get there. Not sure where you're going, but you'll probably be walking most of the time on campus, so a fancier truck won't have as much value. Then, once you get out and start a career, you can get all kinds of goodies!

Here is what my son spends his money on at UF, he'll be into his 2nd year in the fall:

Verizon monthly phone bill ~$100. Go figure, I'm a Wireless Engineer and mine is $48.

gas for his Cherokee

Going out to eat with friends

going to the movies

Going out to eat with friends


Going out to eat with friends

wild trips to Orlando

Going out to eat with friends


you're going to be doing a lot of eating..........I'd say save it up.

He works about 25 hours a week at a CVS pharmacy when school is in, with a full load, so I can't bust his chops how he spends his money.

Put it in an investment (mutual fund, whatever) and then find a way to add to it, even if it's just $20/mo while you're in college. The power of compound interest is amazing. You'll never think you have enough money to put some away. Don't try to figure it out, just do it and it will all work out.
The kid's barely starting college... advise him to enjoy what scarce extra cash he's gonna have. When you get your first real job after college, then start investing. And the better investment would be on a house--grab a 30 year fixed loan while you can. The major lesson is to keep your credit under control in college. If you haven't established credit, now is the time, BUT keep it under control i.e. pay off your balance every month and ON TIME. And don't go opening credit at department stores. Get a VISA or MC from a major bank--there are plenty that extend credit to the college kid. And just one card, or two at the most, as you don't want to have a lot of open credit either.

As for your graduation cash, spend it or save it as you wish--it's your reward for making it this far. A stereo, DVD player, movies, game console, games, are all good items to have for your crib--you'll be spending a lot of time there when you're broke. And you'll be familiar with all the value menus in no time.
I'm leaning towards Capt. Meejo's advice. If you're talking about a couple hundred won't become a millionaire on that kind of investment. Have some fun with it. Let not forget the cost of beer and women. Save it for spending money in college or buy something you need for college. A flasher would be nice but I'd rather have the cash to play around with. But that's me.
Ditto on priorities changing. Your truck won't be nearly as important to you, especially if you live on campus. Any mods will just make it more bait for theft and vandalism. If you are commuting, you'll probably want to trade it for a Focus so you can get better gas mileage and fit into tighter parking places.

Good luck on school! It is the best investment you can make. I have a Bachelors and two Masters degrees and don't regret all the time, money and tears I invested to get them.
I'd say start a fund to "mod or repair the Trac", you're not going to get very far with a couple hundred in any direction, even having fun.

Keep throwing your chump change into the "fund". If you need it you can borrow from it, if you need repairs, you won't have much to worry about, if you never need repairs, you can mod the hell out of the trac all you want.

As you start to save money and see how hard it is to do so, you'll really think hard about what you want to spend it on. You'll feel that much better about it when you do get something. Prioritize the mods you want, the mods that can wait until a stock part gives out, and the mods that won't be available for long.

Money saving factoid #1: The Trac looks good bone stock and attracts women as is. Your priorities will go from modding to eating, finding women, and keeping the Trac shiny and gassed up.

Money saving factoid #2: Choose your "friends" wisely. You'll be very popular just because you have a set of wheels. A Ford Pinto would be just as effective.

Money saving factoid #3: See factoid #2. This will also lead to jealousy, stupidity, and possible vandalism. Park your Trac wisely in well lit, security cam'd areas.

I'll tell you one thing for sure: DO NOT GET STUCK IN COLLEGE CREDIT CARD HELL. I don't care how much you think you have it in control, you won't. If you do, get one for emergencies, and to start practicing and building your credit.

This is how I spent my money in college:





bus & train


rental cars


sneakers for walking












sneakers for walking


parking tickets

parking tickets

















Goddammit repairs

Enjoy the little things in life. Life has a way of working things around for the better. Don't be afraid to make mistake. People will tell you why doing something this way or that way is wrong, although if you can learn from real life experience, either yours or seeing somebody else make a mistake, the lessons are strongly learned. The greater the reward, the greater the risk. Congratulations and good luck.