NFL: Pitt > Indy

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18 to 21 with 31 seconds left. Colts kicking a LONG field goal to tit it up.

Kicker is the most accurate in the league statistaclly...

46 yards...
well i wonder if the idiot kicker will get liquored up and run his mouth this year.

should have called a different play on 3rd and 2. get the first down then u have 4 downs and 3 timeouts to get closer. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

tough break for the colts
Should have called a timeout after the long completion to get into PIT territory (the first completion following the fumble and return). 20 or 22 seconds elapsed. IMO - poor clock management led to two bad pass calls and one slightly off (heh) field goal.

It was as entertaining a game to watch as any, though!
Only an idiot would have taken the Colts and the 10. :lol: The Stillers won despite the officials' (and Jerome's) best efforts to give them the game. Dan and Boomer agree.

I'm in Pittsburgh, we say "Stillers". :lol:

People were in church wearing Steelers jerseys today. :blink: I was a reader so I kept it to black slacks and a gold sweater since I wore my Steelers tie last week. :cool:

It is exceedingly rare that the Stillers get beat by the same team twice in one season.
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I'll say this again, sure glad the Steelers won, only because Broncos get the home field advantage! ha ha ha!! Say bye bye Steelers :lol:

ps: I do pull for Pitts unless playing the Broncos! :)
JohnnyO, I had my Casey Hampton jersey on in church today, and the priest dedicated half of his homily to them stillers. Gotta love the burgh.
On the local news today they reported that a man in a South Side bar literally had a heart attack when Jerome Bettis fumbled. Fortunately there were a number of firemen in the bar watching the game also, they administered CPR, ambulance took the guy to the hospital, and he's okay.

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