Left, right... douche-bags on both extremes IMHO. As I stand in the middle I see the chest beating and ******* actions and comments from both sides.
No sane person wants our borders to be wide-open.
Then again, no sane person wants to pay higher prices for many of the goods and services they enjoy that would certainly come if illegals somehow went away.
No one wants the ills caused by some of the illegals, such as crime, overburdened schools in impoverished neighborhoods, drain on healthcare and other services.
I think the war on illegals is a lot like the war on drugs, etc. There are those that profit from the war and the illegal activity, and there are those that pay a high price for both.
Frankly, as I see it, mostly the politicians are benefiting from the so-called war on illegals. It allows them to play their parties and the zealots within like the fiddles from hell that they are.
Way to let yourself get programmed and lead folks.
How about thinking for yourself, all?
Did you ever consider questioning "why" there are these safe harbors for illegals? Did you ever question "how" we might both stem the tide AND retain the best of the illegals that provide valuable services to us?