O.T.: Best Buy !@#$!@#$#$@!%!#$% Rant

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Sep 16, 2001
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Roseville/Sacramento, CA
Last April we bought an "JVC Everio DVD burner" that we thought was supposed to connect directly to our JVC HDD 30GB Harddisk Camcorder. We did not have a need to use it until last week when we went to use it we discovered that the mini USB connections are not compatible. The burner came with a mini usb-A and the camcorder takes a mini usb-B. There in lyes the problem; unless JVC replies back to the email I sent them stating that an adapter would work or if anyone here wants to buy it, we have a useless (msrp $199.99) paper weight. Best Buy has a 30-day return policy that they do not alter from. :wacko::angry::wacko::angry::wacko::angry:
Contact the Best Buy customer service, and if need be write the president of the company. A family friend had an issue with a digital camera that she bought that was supposed to come with a free memory card, but didn't and best buy.com told her she needed to check off to get it, when you weren't able to check anything, the president called her back and gave her a free $50 gift card for the hassle, along with the free memory card. If you push it, they will work with you, just climb the ladder on them.
Not to take the side of the enemy, but you did buy it 8 months ago. Aside from WalMart, I don't know many places that will take back an 8month old piece of electronic equipment. At most you'll get credit towards an upgrade of the same type of device.
Steve k, I did call Best Buy customer service corporate 1-888-BESTBUY (237-8289). They told me the same thing that the local store told me. BEWARE of their unopened box 30-day return policy. We may attempt to write the Pres. of Best Buy, or just send it to him as a paper weight for his desk. :angry:
Sorry to hear about that ON A SIDE NOTE how do you like the camcorder? I was looking at one JVC h/d 30gig (probably the same one) for $250 at BB the other day and would like to know how well the video itself looks? Thanks.
Sorry to hear your problem. We have had nothing but good things from Best Buy. We had a portable DVD/VHS player in my ST for about 3 years. (actually 2 years 9 months) and the DVD player broke. Found the reciept and noticed we had purchased a 3 year warranty on it. Took it back and they replaced it with the top of the line that they had and store credit for the rest of the cost, no questions asked. They didn't even look at the unit. I would say to try the adapter if you can find one. (Radio Shack is a good place to look for wierd stuff like this) ;)
ions, We like the JVC 30GB HDD camcorder very much, and would like it even better if we could burn DVD's w/o the use of a computer. If you get the camcorder that says "Everio" on it you will not have a problem, in fact I'll sell you our Everio DVD burner. It has to be "Everio" camcorder to "Everio" DVD burner to be compatible.
Rodger, it sounds like there might be a simple misunderstanding here. If two USB devices are meant to be used together (connect via cable), one should have an "A" style port and the other a "B". That's normal for USB, as the standard specifies, it's not like audio gear where you often have the same type of plug at each end. It sounds like you are in need of a standard mini-USB cable (mini-A at one end, mini-B at the other), which you usually have to buy separate from the equipment.

I have to agree with Jeff also, an electronics store that took returns of 8-months-old obsolete stuff would not be in business very long! Most high-tech gear doesn't have a product life that long. 30 days is actually generous for electronics stuff, doubly true for camera gear where stores have the "vacation rental" type returns issue to consider. 3 to 7 days return policy and/or restocking fees for camera gear, opened or not, is not uncommon even for large store chains.
I think Adam is on the right track, and yes, those cables are available all over the internet for next to nothing.

I asked about Firewire, because if your camera and burner support both, use that instead of USB.
My wife works at BB on Saturdays so we can still keep out disount...And if you ever buy electronic equipment..ALWAYS buy their replacement plan..WELL worth the money...
KCsporttracin says:
My wife works at BB on Saturdays so we can still keep out disount...And if you ever buy electronic equipment..ALWAYS buy their replacement plan..WELL worth the money...

And yet every consumer advocacy group and most all savy consumers would say otherwise.

As a matter of fact, the only people I see singing the merits for the protection plans that Best Buy sells are Best Buy employees or their families. ;)

If a piece of electronic gear is going to go belly up, it will do so typically during the mfgr's warranty period. That's what is called "infant mortality". If you want to know more about it, ask me about the term "bathtub curve." Any replacements or repairs after that are very rare, and when required typically aren't as costly as the protection plan, and such plans typically don't include shipping and handling...which you are out regardless.

Sorry, KC, but I am going to respectfully disagree with your advice.

I purchased a 50" DLP TV today from BB. The sales guy was very helpful and answered all my questions (even though I knew when I walked in that I was going to buy it). Then he tried selling me the extended warranty for $350. Why should a warranty cost 1/4 of the purchase? I mean, the 100k warranty on my ST was only around $2000, a much smaller proportion of the original cost. I did not buy the BB warranty because I did research, and like TJR said, when they break, it's usually in the first year, and it's usually a part less than the $350 service plan. If it comes down to it and BB doesn't want to honor the manufacturer's warranty, I made the purchase on Mastercard and know for a fact that I will have no problems getting my money back should the need arise.

Oh, and to be fair to the guy, after I looked around at other stores for similar items, I came back and made sure I spoke to the original salesman to see that he gets the sale.
Adam, et al, The cable that "came with" the JVC Everio DVD burner to be used with a JVC Everio camcorder has a normal usb male plug at one end and a "mini usb-A male" plug at the other. The problem is that we have a JVC HDD (non) Everio camcorder which has a female mini usb-B input connection, and came with the correct cable to connect it to the computer. So the problem lyes in the fact that a mini usb-A male plug "does not" plug into a mini usb-B female connector. Got it? :D:(:angry:

It sounds like you bought two JVC products from different product lines that are not immediately compatible with the supplied cords, but could probably be made to work with a little extra cost on your part for an adapter cable. But you seem to feel that Best Buy should eat the $200 cost of your purchase 8 months down the road, despite the fact that it was your mistake and you agreed by shopping with them to their very reasonable (IMO) 30-day return policy? I just don't see how you could possibly feel that Best Buy is at fault here, or deserving of a rant.

Some extra words of advice to those who shop in big box electronics stores: If you go to a place like Best Buy to buy something, you absolutely MUST know EXACTLY what you want before you go into the store. 99 of 100 people that work at these stores are minimum-wage college kids who don't know jack about the products they are selling apart from what is self-evident at a momentary glance (like whether a camera takes SD or CF). If you ask them if A is compatible with B, you will get "yeah, probably. it should work" because the employees have no accountability, don't give 2 sh!ts about you the moment you're out the door, and they know you can just return the next day** it if it doesn't work.

**This brings up another important point. If you buy any piece of electronics gear, you should get it out of the box and tested within the return period, and certainly within the warranty period. Most stuff has a 1-year *parts only* warranty, and only 90 days labor in the fine print. That means if your brand new camcorder is defective right out of the box but you wait 91 days to find this out, you could be responsible for all the labor cost to fix it! When I worked in this business a decade ago, I would tell my customers, "buy it, but try it!" Some stuff is D.O.A. because electronics are mass produced, shipped long distances and not every unit gets QA tested (or even turned on).

Extended warranties: I know why the store employees and their families recommend them, it's because stores like Best Buy, Circuit city and Sears will usually swap a product for a new one if they see you bought the warranty, rather than service it. If you don't have the extended warranty, you will usually get the 800 number of the manufacturer's service center from the store, and no further interest in your case (not their problem). Even one repair on something like a high-end camera can be the cost of the service plan just in labor. That's what the salesmen will tell you when they pitch you the ESP, but it's often true. All insurance policies are a form of gambling, and these ESPs are no exception. Cost of the plan is directly linked to how often they are claimed. If you've got kids, or butterfingers, it may well be worth your while to get the extended service plan. If you're careful with your gear, it may not be worth the cost. Manufacturer's defects usually show up quickly (the infant mortality issue), but most extended service plan issues are about breakage or wear of parts due to normal usage.
Adam, You got it, except that we are not blaming Best Buy for our making the wrong purchase. Yes, the salesperson did help us make the purchase and even criticized us for not buying the complete package at Best Buy. We would even take an in-store credit. The only fault here is not being a little flexable when their employee sold us the wrong product when we brought in the camcorder to make sure we got the correct one, and we had not reason to think that it was not the correct one - that's all.
Rodger, is the burner model # CU-VD10US?

If so, that model is supposed to come with it's own Mini USB Type-A to Mini USB Type-B cable. Which given your description seems to be exactly what you need.


Mini-A on left, Mini-B on right

And that cable is supposed to be compatible with the G-series Everio cameras.

Did it come with that cable? If not, it should have. Check your packing materials. If it came with some other cable, can you describe it (which end doesn't fit into which device)?

The link below is to the 21MB pdf of the burner's user manual. See page 4 of the English section of the PDF (downloaded in the first MB or so)...it clearly says that the interface cable included is:

"Mini USB type A and type B, USB 1.1 and 2.0 compliant"

If you have the wrong cable, have JVC send you the right one. If you lost the cable, pick up one off of eBay.

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A 30-day return policy seems reasonable. In electronics, an 8-month return policy would be suicidal, since electronics prices drop quickly and items may even become obsolete in that time.

I'm not that fond of Best Buy either, because of their mail-in rebates program, but in this case they seem to be right in their thinking.

Regarding the bad advice from the saleperson...that is typical. Technology changes so quickly and these are normally just kids working their way through college. I don't really expect them to have any idea how any of the stuff they sell works. They can't afford the products themselves, and Best Buy isn't going to let them spend all day playing with them.
TJR, You're correct in that the burner does come with its own cable, but it needs to be a male mini usb-B at both ends because the camcorder is a female mini usb-B as well as the burner. My gut feeling is that an adapter will work, but I want to confirm that with JVC service.

I do understand that Best Buys 30-day return policy is more than adequate. I am just asking them to work with us to make it right. They have open box sales all the time for stuff that is returned so they are not loosing anything, but unless an adapter will work we will be left with a $200 paper weight. :eek: