O.T.: Best Buy !@#$!@#$#$@!%!#$% Rant

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BB knows the caliber of employee they hire,,, and to hold one accountable is absurd. Know the exact product you need before going to the store. Or smarter yet, order off the internet at a greater saving than BB.

To even attempt a product return after 8 months, please set the bong down first... :lol:
Gotcha, Rodger. There are probably cables out there that have Mini-USB B (male) on both ends.

I am surprised that JVC changed the size (A to B) on their cameras. Are we by chance talking about different generations of devices? For example, is the camera newer than the burner, or vice-versa?

Best Buy is hardly ever the Best Buy.

I was looking for a Garmin 2720 Street Pilot. MSRP is $1,100

Best Buy was $699

Walmart on line was $549

So guess where I went!

I don't see any reason why a regular USB cable that has the full-size A Male on one end and a Mini B Male on the other, used along with an A Female to Mini-B Male adapter wouldn't work for you. You probably already have such a cable, and the adapter is pretty easy to find on ebay:
That's true, Q, which is why I asked if the camera and burner were of different generations.

Typically the way such stand-alone burners work is that they are pretty "dumb", meaning there's not much software to get in the way. They simply sniff the signal on the USB port, convert (as/if needed )and burn to disc. It's left to the operator to hit play on the camera, etc.

Personally, I won't use a camera/burner that doesn't support firewire. All of the USB 2.0 setups I have used were too lossy (all digital my arse...there was converting and recapturing going on, or so it sure seemed).

Let me state the connections at the DVD burner, calbe that came with burner, and female connection at the camcorder.

The female connection for the JVC Everio DVD burner is a mini usb-B; the cable that came with it has a male mini usb-B at one end and a male mini usb-A at the other; the connection into the JVC 30GB HDD camcorder is a female mini usb-B.

So, I figure that an adapter with a mini usb-A female connection at one end and a male mini usb-B at the other should work; but I want to wait to hear back from JVC to be absolutely sure.

It that clear enough? :unsure:
That's clear Rodger, I just don't think you are going to find an adapter with a Mini A female on one end, and Mini B male on the other.

I couldn't find one on eBay.

However, I did find the adapter I linked, and that should work with a cable that has Male A on one end and Mini-B male on the other (a very common cable...buy that one too if you need it).

Tom, There in lyes the problem. That is the cable that came with the JVC Everio DVD burner. What I need is a cable that has a Mini USB-B at BOTH ends since an adapter looks like a no go.

FYI- For those that do not know the difference the mini USB-A has square corners, and the mini uSB-B has rounded corners.
A USB cable, by definition, has an "A" end and "B" end. A cable with two "B" ends would not be allowed by the USB standard. It sounds to me like both of these devices are meant to be connected to PC by this port, rather than to each other. While I'm not intimately familiar with the JVC gear, doesn't the Everio DVD burner actually serve as a docking port for the Everio camcorders? It appeared from the photo that the camcorder is supposed to fit right into the docking bay on the DVD burner, no cable needed, except perhaps to connect the burner to a PC? Does this make any sense?
Adam is making sense. I'll ask the question again, Rodger, are the dock/burner and the camera from different generations?

However, note that the instructions for the burner model #CU-VD10US shows the following image, which clearly shows the use of the USB cable to connect the burner and camcorder (and the instructions say to use the supplied mini-a to mini-b cable):

[Broken External Image]:
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Tom, I am beginning to think that you are correct about the different generations. We could have bought the camcorder (model no. GZ-MG30U) at the end of one generation last March from COSTCO, and the DVD Everio Burner (model no. CU-VD10U) from Best Buy at the beginning of the next gen. We went to FRY's and Radio Shack yesterday to see if we could find either an adapter or cable and it looks as if neither one exists for what we need. :unsure:
R&G, have you tried contacting JVC about this? That may be the only other option. Most companies (of course not all) will make something to help connect different generation stuff to each other. Then you have the ones who don't, so they try to make you upgrade.JVC is a good compainy that makes good products. I would be surprised if they didn't make a connector to work this way between 2 generations that close together.;)

Note that JVC's product detail page for the CU-VD10U state that it is compatible with the following cameras:

GZ-MG27, GZ-MG37, GZ-MG505, GZ-MG57, GZ-MG67 and GZ-MG77.

Then, it also says on that page:

(Does not directly connect with GZ-MG20, 21, 30, 31, 35, 40, 50 and 70) Please see part AD330 DVD burner

The AD330 seems to be made by Apacer Technologies:

(cut/paste below to browser):


It seems like you have that boat anchor you were looking for. I suggest reviewing other burners, cameras on Amazon.com, then getting new gear and selling the old gear on eBay.

I doubt it will work for you, Rodger, seems you have an older format camera that uses a proprietary "MOD" format for storing the video, rather than today's norm of MPEG. Part of what the Apacer burner does is the conversion from MOD to MPEG for DVD (so I read).

Good luck.
Why not use your PC. Most everyone here has one. (Some may use internet cafe's or the Library) Buy a DVD burner and and install it. Use Nero and you have the same thing for alot less.
