O.T.: Screaming Paris Hilton sent back to jail

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R&G, I read that earlier and what a joke. "It's not fair!!!!" then "Mommy!!!!". How old is she? I can see a skit in my head for every comedy show. (SNL and MADTV) It's really sad when someone like this shows thier true colors. I would love to see her spend more time behind bars but you and I know that won't happen till she actually kills someone. And there is a good chance that she'd still not see any time then. I wish the media would just turn thier backs and not give her the attention that she wants, and then she can go and crawl under a rock somewhere.:wacko:
It would be interesting to see the actual facts behind all of this. I am willing to bet it is not all her fault.

I am almost certain the sheriff will suffer some legal issues and if it gets looked into deeper there is a good chance that she did not understand what her responsibility was to the previous sentence.

I am not suggesting that she is all innocent and what not. I am betting it is not all her fault if for no other reason due to poor information being given to her.

The difference is that you and I would not have gotten our info from a third or fourth party, thus, we would have known and understood the sentence and the responsibilities that come with it.

Just a thought....
Coastiejoe, As I understand it she is mostly at fault because she was already on probation for drunk driving, and broke the probation by driving UTI and with a suspended license. That is why she was thrown in jail. Poor little rich girl needs to be turned over someones knee. :lol:;)
Roger, for the most part I agree. And I am ALL FOR SERIOUS punishment for DUI's.

I read some info that said she was not told the correct restrictions of the DUI sentence. If that is correct, then she was screwed over by her informer or lawyer or whoever "helped" her with the first case. Other than that, she did create her own missery...
if it were you or i we woulda been in regualr jail not the country club shes in, i say make it 90 and to damn bad for her.
she was on probation for a DWI, licence was pulled at the time,

she was stopped, given a ticket for driving w/o a licence in another state,( I beleave it was Utah)


stopped again in SoCal for another DWI, still w/o a licence.


she knew(if she has half a brain),or should have known, she DID NOT have a licence. She also knew she was still on probation from the first case.

I don't know what California law is but she should get the same sentence as anybody else, no more no less. I'm guessing the judge was a little tougher on her because she's a celebrity.

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