Obama campaign sues to restrict military voting....

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Bill V

Which is another way of saying, "The article Snopes is discussing is just a Republican spin on the situation by flipping their intent."

Sorry, quotes aren't working again?


No, Snopes is making it sound like Obama's intent is to extend the deadline for non-military early voters to the same deadline as the military voters....That will create a lot of last minute votes hitting just the day before the actual election. Since these early votes must be tallied by hand, it increases the workload the day before the actual election, and gives them a loophole to claim that the early voting was flawed, or ask for recounts if the Democrats don't win.

I think we all know that it's not very likely that they will extend the early voting for the non-military and create chaos the day before the election. More likely than not, if any change is made it will be that military voters will have to have submitted their votes on the earlier deadline for the Non-Military voters. Is this fair? It probably sounds fair, but not really it is not really fair to military voters, most of whom are stationed out of state, and even out of the country. I think it's just common courtesy to give military a few extra days to get their votes turned in.
