Obama next president?

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I get so tired of the i-net propaganda....If Obama was so anti American or anti America....and Anti anything....and communistic in any way shape or form, if there were any indication at all of being a national threat.. He would have never gotten as far as he has politically. Why do people not see further than their nose when reading things on the net???

I'm not for or against the guy, I just get tired of propaganda and folks not thinking open mindedly when they read something.

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There is another man who probably not too many people have heard of which is RON PAUL. I won't go into what he is all about but if you do a google or Yahoo search you'll find that Ron Paul is everywhere. The reason you probably haven't heard much of him is because the media has put a black out on him due to the government. Reason why? because of his radical speach of wanting to get rid of half the government and getting rid of the IRS. Just look him up and read a little about him and you'll see why you haven't heard much from the media on him. He's got my vote, beside who needs a ex muslim who's muslim leader once said we will take the united states from within itself, what better way to take the USA when your the head honcho. As far as Clinton I'd be really suprised if Americans actually vote a women in to run our country?
GM if your not for him or against him who are you for? I'm not trying to argue your opinoin but the reason this country has fallen is because of the people who don't research and actually get the facts about who the people are that are running for presidency. Most people who vote listen to the media and that right there is your world killer. (Media is govern by the government) they are going to tell you who you vote for. Most people in this country are sheep following the hurder and what better way to make someone follow than only show you what they want you to see. The problem with this country is, is we are not open minded because the media won't let us be.
For as kooky as RoPaul is, he's looking to be the best 3rd party candidate in a Hitlery/McCain't or a Obammmmmma/McCain't.

I can't vote for any of the three.... Obammmmmmma, McCain't or Hitlery. I can't do it. No way in hell, but no way in hell am I NOT voting either.

I would recommend to EVERYONE, don't not vote.... that's even worse than having one of those three. There will be 3rd party candidates, there always is. Will they win? Doubt it. However, if a 3rd party gets 20% of the vote (like Perot did in 1996), the parties will take notice.

Will we see one of those three in the WH? At this point it looks like yes. Life is not over. However, expect many of the following:

- Open borders

- Increased taxes (even if it's just letting the 2002 cuts expire)

- Decreased personal responcibility

- Increased entitlement spending

- Decreased military spending

- Increased threat of terrorism

- Economic issues (can we say recession?)

I don't care who you vote for, just please vote. I used to think that you should never vote AGAINST someone.... yeah forget that. It's plainly obvious that there is no one to vote FOR at this point (maybe Huckabee or Romney.... but will they stay in? Will they be the candidate?).

Forget the parties. They have no clue at this point. Vote for who is best for you, if there isn't someone best for you, vote against the worst for you.
As far as Clinton I'd be really suprised if Americans actually vote a women in to run our country?

Are you saying a woman is not capable of being president?

A Republican does not have a snowballs chance in hell on getting back into office this time around.

It is either going to be Obama or Clinton. Maybe both with Obama as pres and Clinton a VP.

Either way, baring a third fixed election, a Republican will not make it.

Sam. that is my point exactly, that each person should research for themselves, as to who the best candidate is and what their platform is, in order to really decide for themselves. Not just read what the net offers.

this is the best answer as to who I would vote for:

Forget the parties. They have no clue at this point. Vote for who is best for you, if there isn't someone best for you, vote against the worst for you.

and I'll add, or who and what you feel is best choice for the country.
As much as I would like to see a President Ron Paul, that ain't gonna happen.

Romney I could vote for.

If McCain is the nominee, I'll vote Libertarian in November. If that means Clinton or Obama in the White House, well, I'd rather the country go to hell in a handbasket with a Democrat in charge.
Sam said:
The reason this country has fallen is because of the people who don't research and actually get the facts about who the people are that are running for presidency.

So it's the people's fault? I don't think so.

If people have apathy regarding who is running, I submit it is because the candidates that have run since Reagan have largely been uninteresting, non-leaders.

I do agree that people get the government thye deserve. However, ours has become a system that elects the guy (or gal) that talks the best talk, can jive the most number of people, and raise the largest amount of money....all independent of whether or not they are good for the job. Frankly, there have been few the past few decades that had the credentials to make them actually "good for the job." And by "credentials", I don't mean a career politician, persay, but someone who has shown they can be an effective leader.

That's not our people's fault.

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You are correct GM. If I had it my way people would not be allowed to vote unless they took some kind of voting course 101 and have to pass the course before they can vote. I know that's a little off the wall but if you want a good job in this country we have to go to school, college, etc to be able to obtain the right to fight for the job you want. Why is it this country will take any vote no matter who you are. I would think that the government would want you to vote accurately to bring the best in to represent our country! But the bottom line is the votes come from anybody and anywhere regardless of your intellegence on the matter. Half the votes in this country are made by people who don't really know about the person they are voting for so how can we say one person is better then the other. You can't believe what the media says or what the net says. To me it's a crap shot. People need to be schooled on how to vote and what to look for in the party they are voting for. Education is highly recommended to get through life, and choosing a president seems to me that you need to have a good knowledge of who is running for president but, that's just me and I know it will never happen. People complain about what this president does or doesn't do but it's nobody's fault but the people of this once great country.
ditto Sam :)

Would be a good idea! how many times do you hear somebody say...I accidently selected the wrong option for ..... too many confusing choices.

why don't they just put the questions like this (as example):

Do you want the sky to be blue? yes or no


Do you like chocolate or vanilla? select 1 for chocolate 2 for vanilla.

and under each question a simple note of what the difference is.

LOL you see ..that would be much more simplified for ALL to vote.

AZ folks can tell you all about the confusion of the cigarette tax law in 06, and how it was presented to the public. You really had to read closely because what you thought was for you was actually for the other... on both sides of that deal. It was how it was presented to the voting public.

of course a class in place for voting, would require funds...and that of course would be another tax to cover it. :)

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As stated in another thread, instead of a qualifications exam for voters how about one for the candidates?

Again, you blame the uneducated voter as the problem; as if a country of educated voters would solve the problem. Sure, it would help; but clearly with the past few elections being virtual dead heats, the polarization of the candidates, and the fact that many simply vote for the "evil of two lessers", is it really the people's fault? Or is it the system that has us start with a dozen or more candidates, each, on the right or left, all of which I wouldn't want to run my local school board; and they get narrowed down through sound bytes to only two unworthy presidential candidates.

In the computer industry we have a saying:

Garbage in; garbage out.

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The democrats would loose half their votes if you required a test before voting. So it will never happen.
I believe people today are better educated and more informed than ever. And Tom, as long as the Democrats keep offering the candidates they do, the Republicans do not have to steal the election, it's given to them...
So what do you think we should do just sit back and let the government call all the shots and vote whoever they want into office? The peoples vote has to count for something. I understand we are limited on who to vote for but all I'm saying is half this country is not educated enough to vote because they really don't know who or what they are voting for. Take Ron Paul for instance if the interent had any means at all on who will win the presidency he would win hands down, but see that's not the case. Most people will vote for someone else because the media does not cover Ron Paul, and why do you think that is? Because the government don't want to see someone who at this point does not take the government pension and never has because he believes that money should be the peoples money (our money) he also says there are too many government people in the house and half of them need to go, and lets not forget he wants to get rid of the IRS as well. So you see why he is blacked out from TV because the media is govern by the governement and they don't want the people to see the bad side of the government. I'll vote for any man who gives up his right to not take the government pension just to line his pockets with my money or anyone elses money. This is why you need to be educated on who to vote for. On that note I agree with we don't have much to choose from but you still need to be educated on who to vote for to make the best decision.
Hollywood and the media has helped turn politics into a popularity contest. No Qaulification required.

Hitler, was a popular man in his day of a failing country. Lest we forget the path of destruction he created. Almost destroyed Germany in the end. If Not for the allies, Lenin would have taken germany off the map forever.

Where have all the good ones gone. Party affiliation aside, money and popularity, what a shame.
The Allies decided to not prevent the Cold War when they had a chance :(

While I don't advocate the crazed midget, Hitler did restore Germany's self respect, and ultimately made them a country again, instead of a subservient nation to France and England. If WW2 hadn't happened, it is possible that Germany would still just be a shell of a nation today.

I agree with the voters' tests--my state has removed the touch screen voting system due in large part of complaints that it was "too complicated". There were claims of no ability to audit, but the largest complaint came from the masses. If you can't poke the screen for the person you want, something is wrong. I'm sure people will screw up the paper ballots again--"dimpled chad" brings back bad memories.

How can anyone vote for mccain? He is already a lobbyist puppet as a senator! Who wants a puppet as president? Hillary also fulfills that definition--it should be unconstitutional for her to run on the principle that a president can only be in office for 2 terms.

So our 3 prospected candidates consist of 2 puppets and a muslem with NO real political experience.

I say that confirms voter ignorance.

let's lighten this some.... I just saw Chuck Norris in that Ridgline commercial...

he has not swayed my op of that vehicle one bit! The 08 model is still just as ugly as the previous year's model :lol:

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The sad thing about it is, do any of us believe that any one president is going to turn this country around? It's not going to happen because of the electoral college can pick and choose who ever they want in the end. It's already happend 4 times and here is just one that we will all remember:

2000: Al Gore had over half a million votes more than George W. Bush, with 50,992,335 votes to Bush's 50,455,156. But after recount controversy in Florida and a U.S. Supreme Court ruling, Bush was awarded the state by 537 popular votes. Like most states, Florida has a "winner takes all" rule. This means that the candidate who wins the state by popular vote also gets all of the state's electoral votes. Bush became president with 271 electoral votes.

Proponents of the Electoral College say that the system served its purpose in the elections listed above, despite the fact that the candidate who won the popular vote didn't always win the election. The Electoral College is a block, or weighed, voting system that is designed to give more power to the states with more votes, but allows for small states to swing an election, as happened in 1876. Under this system, each state is assigned a specific number of votes that is proportional to its population, so that each state's power is representative of its population. So, while winning the popular vote may not ensure a candidate's victory, a candidate must gain popular support of a particular state to win the votes in that state. The goal of any candidate is to put together the right combination of states that will give him or her 270 electoral votes.

So does it really matter? 4 Times the electoral College has choosen and president for us (the people)

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