Obama next president?

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So it's the people's fault?

Again, you blame the uneducated voter as the problem


People often have just flat out dumb reasons why they vote for someone -- Looks, whatever race/gender they are, age, blind hatred for a party. Obvious example -- Detroit's Mayor, Kwame Kilpatrick. Scandal after scandal, and he get re-elected. Pick up any paper right now and you will see what a winner he is.

Two points: 1. We have(or are supposed to have) separation of Church and State- why does a candidates religion matter so much? The only candidate who scares me is Huckabee with his talk of a "Christian" nation- absurd, separatist and just plain irrelevant. 2. Why mention Obama's middle name, unless you are playing to ignorance? I have heard all the "conservative" talk shows do this, the same ones who espouse fair play and honesty and who never mention any other candidates middle name. Fact is, in some countries and in some cultures Hussein is as common a name as "Bob" is here. These same shows lambaste John McCain for working with the Dems to try and get things done- I assume they would rather see endless partisan battles resulting in nothing as our country circles the drain. I would be pleased to see a McCain- Obama matchup, I think they are the best candidates. I would vote for Obama- for the overriding reason that we need to end the disastrous, money and blood sucking war NOW.:cool:

I totally agree. What does my family naqme have to do anything. If my name was "Qwerty McQwerty", does it really matter.

Is my name more important than my actions.

Of course it is--"...for many more men see than weigh". Your accomplishments outrank your knowledge, but your personal aspects override accomplishments, unless your accomplishments are known first.

Obama HAS no accomplishments. He was a senator for some paltry number of terms. He has no political experience, and he doesn't even have the pretense of military experience, nor does he have any success in running a large entity. Apparently he couldn't even manage his little state without bribes from alleged "slumlords".

With no accomplishments to preceed him, obama just has his name and demeanor. Those things do not qualify him for the presidency by any means.

EDIT: What "disastrous, money and blood sucking war"? Aren't we just bringing democracy and keeping the peace, as best as we say we can? A war requires a prominent enemy to fight, and you can't fight an idea (terrorism). All we can do is defend against little cowardly terrorists who come out of the woodwork to kill themselves for a mathematically-asinine future. That isn't a war--that's self defense, which falls under keeping the peace, which certainly isn't a war. The UN peace keepers are designed to keep the peace, and the un certainly doesn't wage wars.

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Hillary isn't qualified IMO, but if she was, that would be her only qualifier.

We all know that bill will reign through her, and as such she should not be allowed to run for it is unconstitutional for a president to serve more than 2 terms. Serving vicariously is still serving.
The democrats would loose half their votes if you required a test before voting. So it will never happen.

They'd loose half their votes if everyone was required to show ID.

{We are going to depart from the current topic for just a moment}

1. We have(or are supposed to have) separation of Church and State

I dare you to find this in the Constitution. It's not there. The separation of Church and State was from the Federalist Papers, which is not law and has been twisted to it's current meaning by the Supreme Court (primarily since 1900). Thomas Jefferson wrote in a Danbury, CT article in 1802 sawing that "the Constitution has created a wall of separation between church and state" when trying to explain why he would not support proclimations to create religious holidays.

The First Amendment clearly states:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

This was in order to keep the Government from establishing on "official" religion and keep government from creating interference in religion (even though now politicians are trying to make any "anti-gay" statements made from the pulpit a crime, even though the Bible CLEARLY states that homosexualism is a sin... but that's another topic).

{Back to our regular programming...}

It is awefully frustrating that only Huckabee and Romney have had their religion brought into battle. Where is the discussion on Obama? Hillery and her (non-existant) religion? McCain? Edwards? Paul? Anyone?... It's odd that the only ones who have been questioned are the ones who are devout to their faith and don't just "use" their "faith" to show they are "just like you and me".
R Shek says:
It is awefully frustrating that only Huckabee and Romney have had their religion brought into battle.

Frustrating maybe, but if you are a Republican candidate it's an issue. Having to be pro-life is another aspect of the Republican party today.

Religion isn't a democratic issue, and you better be pro-choice if you want to win in that party.

I find polarizing issues like abortion and religion that based on your stance you immediately have to snap to or me moved from one side or the other offensive. It's "little brain" thinking.

JohnnyO for Prez in 2012.

Border fence with armed guards.

Fair Tax.

No imports from any countries with lower pollution and worker protection standards than ours.

Drill for our own oil wherever it is found.

No UN carbon tax.

Kill the terrorists.

Punch the hippies.
Punch the hippies

Hey I used to be one years ago before I opened my eyes and turned into a conservative republican. :p

Add legalize marijuana to your list and you'll have my vote. :rolleyes:

(I don't smoke it anymore but I hate seeing hard core criminals being let out of jail early every day because our government feels pot smokers are criminals and they don't have enough space in jails for both).
Poor, poor set of candidates.

How many of you are wondering "just what am I/we as a country gonna do?".

I feel like - at least I was alive and had the opportunity to vote for one of our nations greatest leader, Ronald Reagan. May he rest in peace.

Man, have we been on a downhill slide since, IMO.
Probable U. S. presidential candidate, Barack Hussein Obama was

born in Honolulu , Hawaii , to Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., a black

MUSLIM from Nyangoma-Kogel , Kenya and Ann Dunham, a white

ATHIEST from Wichita , Kansas . Obama's parents met at the University

of Hawaii .

When Obama was two years old, his parents divorced. His father

returned to Kenya . His mother then married Lolo Soetoro, a RADICAL Muslim

from Indonesia . When Obama was 6 years old, the family relocated to

Indonesia . Obama attended a MUSLIM school in Jakarta . He also spent

two years in a Catholic school.

Obama takes great care to conceal the fact that he is a Muslim. He is

quick to point out that, "He was "once a Muslim, but that he also attended

Catholic school." Obama's political handlers are attempting to make it

appear that his introduction to Islam came via his father, and that this

influence was temporary, at best. But,in reality, the senior Obama

returned to Kenya soon after the divorce, and never again had any

direct influence over his son's education. Lolo Soetoro, the second

husband of Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, introduced his stepson

to Islam. Obama was enrolled in a Wahabi school in Jakarta .

Wahabism is the RADICAL teaching that is followed by the

Muslim terrorists who are now waging Jihad against the western world.

Since it is politically expedient to be a CHRISTIAN when seeking major

public office in the United States , Barack Hussein Obama has joined

the United Church of Christ in an attempt to downplay his Muslim

background. ALSO, keep in mind that when he was sworn into office he

DID NOT use the Holy Bible, but instead the Koran.

Prove this. I've read that he's been a member of the United Church of Christ for over 20 years. Does that mean he's been hiding as a muslim for that long? Or that he decided to run for president in his late 20s and just needed to be safe?
JohnnyO.... on your platform I am only against one thing. Punch the hippies, since they for the most part were peaceful....however if you changed that to make the hippies bathe then..you have my vote! :lol:

Jason can't prove it because most of that is bullshit cooked up by someone trying to discredit Obama. Unfortunately, people too lazy to fact-check will spread unflattering rumors on the Internet, when it suits their own agenda. Even more unfortunate, is the fact that others will then form an opinion based completely on lies.

The American electorate is so uninformed, that we end up getting what we deserve.
Prove this. I've read that he's been a member of the United Church of Christ for over 20 years.

I have heard that it is an Afro-centric church that essentially preaches Communism.
I doubt that a Democrat has a chance of winning this election. The Democratic National Commitee has alienated the electorate of both Michigan and Florida, by disqualifying their ballots in the selection of the Democratic Presidential candidate. Florida and Michigan are key states, and if McCain wins on the republican side, he has enough support from Democratic voters to beat anyone the Dems will put up against him.

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