OK--Convince me. TIVO or ReplayTV?

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I can't speak for either, I'm sure there are several that are similar. I have digital cable with a DVR. I record and watch what I want when I want, and I love it. all 3 of the kids have one too.
I have 2 replays.


Connect to the LAN, and can share programs

Can run a program on your computer (DVArchive) to download shows. and store them

and also view shows from the computer.

can also record them to DVD


Reboot problems About once a week or every 2 weeks.

Transfer of programs can be slow.

No HD recording

there are a few web sites I like.




Only one of the replays need to be rebooted. going to upgrade to 200 gig HDs after the 90 warrantee and hope to get rid of that problem.

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I have not had the reboot problem that Sal has with my Replay.

TiVo has caught up over the last couple years, but I don't think they are there yet.
A stand-alone Tivo does all the features that Sal mentioned about the Replay unit.

I really don't care about networking or transferring the shows to my pc... I prefer my Directivo unit as it has 2 tuners, and records the shows direct off the satellite without any compression.
I just ordered Tivo on a deal where it's 16.95 a month instead of 12.95 & you get the 40hr series 2 box for free. Plus it's billed monthly instead the prepaid for a year deal.

Thanks for all your advice folks.

1) The Tivo does make a short call at night, and I assume that info is what is passed anonymously to Directv. You can unplug the phone line and the unit will still work, although a daily screen will pop up to let you know to check your connection.

2) No ads display in the interface of either of my Directv units. There is a link to them in the menu if you want to view them.

The part I don't understand is why the DirecTivo requires a analog phone line. A lot of homes nowadays either just use cell phones or high speed internet.
Tonka ! please let Tivo use me as a refferal that would be great!

my email address is jmadderra - AT(@) - sbcglobal.net

anyone else interested please print out this free 30 day pass and include my email! what can us loose?[Broken External Image]:

I will gather the links i have for the 3rd party software i am using with the Tivo on our wireless network
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I just ordered ReplayTv also:)

The unit will be free after a rebate so I figured why not?

Now I guess I'll get to compare the Tivo & Replay first hand!

Whichever works out best for me I'll keep & give the other one to my son. (everyone wins)

Now I just gotta figure out how to hook these up to my wireless sattelite router thing because I have no regular phone service.:)
Tonka I think you can still call and still give them my email address....If not thats ok

You are going to LOVE your DVRs

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