OT: Neighbor Troubles - opinions.

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Land mines or IEDs. If you don't want to resort to this, just go over there swinging a ball bat and bust a few heads. It will relieve a lot of stress and make you feel much better.

I am ticked right now just reading about this.

My neighbors send their dogs to crap on my lawn. I just gather it up once a week and put it in a pail with some water for a few minutes, and then dump it on their front porch. I've been doing this for a couple of months, and I am sure they know it is coming from me, but they still allow their dog to roam all over and crap on my yard. I know this is silly, but I kind of enjoy the weekly ritual.

Good luck.
You might want to consider putting a video camera in the window aimed at where they are running over your lawn. If they do it again, at least you will have a video to prove they did it, then ask them to pay for the damages.

If they are good neighbors just inconsiderate, they will pay or help fix the damage they done. If they are not good neighbors and refuse to pay, then you could always take them to small claims court to recoup the damages, or call the police. If they act that way, they are not good neighbors and probably do not deserve to be treated that way, so just sue them. I'll bet that tops them from driving on your lawn

What about putting reflectors up every 6 to 10 feet along the edge of the grass just before it turns into the side of the road? I see a lot of people do that. Or decorative rock every few feet.

Yeah, just more things to weed-whack around.
I had the same problem. I called the police and if the car that drove across the lawn is visably still there you can have them charged with criminal trespass. I told my neighbor this and suddenly the driving on my lawn stopped immediatly. It wasn't even my neighbor, just their guests. I left notes on the cars that drove on my lawn and it hasn't happened again from them either. Call your local law enforcement and see what you can do in your neighborhood.
A permanent problem solver is a large rock on the corner of your lot.This way if they hit it they do damage and if I am mistaken they cannot file on you for damage because it is on your property.Make sure of your local laws on how far the city owns from your street._Ron
you could alway stratigically place some of those Motion sensored sprinklers that look like crows fo scaring off animals... I personally would rig them to some paintball launchers.. for a little more dramatic efect.:lol::lol::p:cool:
I'd just tell them to keep their effin cars off my lawn and I wouldn't care if they liked me or not.

The house next to me was empty for 17 years until last year, I had to get used to having neighbors. They seem nice though.
I actually had to do exactly what Blackhat described a couple posts up. My "offroading" neighbor now has a nice BIG smashed place on the side of their minivan, right in front of the rear tire. Oh well, No one made them drive through my yard to get their van smashed. :lol:
Someone say dog poop? We can help! We just have to go over to the neighbor's yard where we left it, and there's plenty!!!! :)

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Call the cops, have them write up the report, document all the conversations you had with the neighbors and then...

Go see Judge Judy and have her sort it out.:lol:
I suggest buying those solar powered lights and placing them where you have your stakes (steaks). At least their more pleasing to the eye.

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