OT: What the HELL is wrong with this country!

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Gavin, I call people like that "Bandwagon Preachers". They will take any situation and make it into God's wrath to get people in the seats, which equals more in the collection plate. We ahd a local town get an Adult bookstore on the outer part of town and the response was wild! EVERY church had on the board out front, some sermon for the sins that the store would cause. They also held thier "rallies" and pickets across the street from it. All to put money in the plates. I know this all firsthand because my dad is a pastor. So this is not an athiest talking.;)
i can understand looting for food to feed your kids, but stocking up on playstations is a no no.

what really got to me is when i heard about the shooting at helicopters with supplies and people on boats looking for survivers.
Gavin, no. Everything just died down and nobody seems to even notice it's there. They did give the guy a pretty hard time to even get it opened though. They were even yelling at people they knew going into it when they were protesting. He had to go before the town committee about 10 times to listen to every "decent" person's arguements. I'd like to know how many of them have been there to buy stuff afterwards. LOL.;)
GM, sweetie, you were the very first person to extend kindness to me on this site and I wouldnt for a second tell you what to say or not say, but with something like that, it's not worth the keystrokes much less any emotional pain. If it was some kind of joke or a sincere remark, either way it doesnt matter. anything generated from a brain the size of a snow pea isnt valid in any respect. No matter where we all turn, theres always someone who's going to be so insecure, they need to pretend someone else is less than themselves so they dont have to face the fact that either, they dont know who they really are inside, or the just have very, very, tiny peepees. Again, maybe by saying this, its imposing on you and Im very sorry if that is how its taken. Ive just alway seen you on this site as joking and friendly and very social and welcoming. I'd hate to think that some idiot could rattle you.

Your Friend.


by the way, can't someone get thrown off the site for that kind of BS? Im not a sensorship guy, but seriously, that just is what it is.
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There is nothing wrong with this country. There are problems with a lot of the people in this country however.

Those problems are not caused by race or poverty. Much of the isues today are because people lack discipline and motivation. You must have both to be a benefit to society. People with discipline, but no motivation just sit around like lumps and do nothing to fix problems, whereas motivated people with no discipline can cause problems, such as the ones occurring in New Orleans today. Fortunately, these folks are a small percentage of the country's population.
Teddy, you are absolutely right! But, I needed to say it. I was drawn in, mind you I was born and raised in the south. That "ain't" how all of us think...and he needed to know it.

Yes they definately can. But, being of a peaceful nature, maybe he didnt' mean it to come across as he did. (I always give at least that chance) and a public apoligy on this thread from John would be nice... not to me but to any and everyone that felt offended by the comment.

GM, North Carolina blood here. I am proud of my southern background but idots are idots, It would be nice to recieve a sencere apology but I imagine that someone like that doesnt have the courage and even if he did, it would be either half hearted or sarcastic. take care girl, talk to you soon and have a good evening.
The way I see it, is that people that are stuggling there right now knew that the hurricane was coming and had the chance to evacuate and chose to stay. It wasn't like it just developed overnight. There were many people that decided to stay with the attitude of, "i've been through hurricanes before and nothing severe has happened." I'm not saying they deserve to be there, but I hate hearing them complain about it all the time on the news because no one is helping. They have evacuation routes for a reason there and if they choose to stay, that have got to live or die with the consequences and understand that we might not be able to get to them right away because of the conditions. Don't get me wrong, I feel bad for what is happening, but I think they could have made a better effort on getting out of there if they wanted to.
Alot of them had no options and had to ride it out. and I mean that literally.

Heart wrenching times there in the swamp lands, I feel for all of the folks there and the families that lost someone in the storm.

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I agree with all of the posts here...

With the exception of John's.

I cannot Judge anyone, that is what my Bible tells me, and what I believe. But,

I do feel I have the right to make an Opinion, as to whom I wish to BE associated

with, associate WITH, and whom I would feel comfortable having around my

friends and family. Unfortunately, that would not be John, right at this moment

in time. I have the good fortune of working with 6,000 people at my place of

employment, and although I do not know each and every one of them personally,

I have a chance to interact with a great number of them from time to time.

From all areas of the country, and some of them, or their families, from all

areas of the world. One thing that I have learned is to make your opinion based

on what is in a man or woman's heart. Not on their size, height, color of their skin,

accent or any of the other things that outwardly, make one person different

from another. An important factor I make my opinion on, is not how they treat me,

persay, but how I see them treat, and talk about others. To help you follow my

thought; If I meet or know someone and they have nothing but praises and

nice things to say about me, and then either to me or someone else, I hear them

degrading or talking badly about someone else, who am I to think that I am SO

special, that they would not be saying bad things about me to someone else

the minute my back is turned!

And A'Josh is right. This "country" is nothing more, in itself, than a land mass on

a map. The "people" are America. (In my own words).

Thank You...I feel better now...:)
It's realy sad that comments like that from people like that (Johns type) are still prevelent today. It also causes me anger and worry that people like him alter the preception of us (southerns). I know first hand that being a southerner and living in many locations around the US that many dont hold us as equals both mentaly(jethro) or ethicaly(kluckers). We try very hard to change this view but then along comes people like that and make assine statments like that and sets us back yet again. God made all of us. To hate your fellow man is to hate God, and I dont realy think hateing God is a wise idea.
"Lack of discipline"

"No civility"

"No belief in God"

"No respect"

"Lack of personal responsibility"

Look at what/who gets admired/lusted after in this country:

Kobe Bryant


Corporate CEO's (Ken Lay anyone?)

The (spoiled) Rich And Famous in general

People with fake ****s, lips, eyes and just about everything else (Britney Spears anyone?)

Sports figures




And look at the politicians - both sides of the aisle. Would you really trust any of them - Pres. Bush included? (Be honest, with yourself if not the members of MYST!)

Civility? Look at the political discussions on MYST and ask where civility has gone. Look at the internet in general. Civility went away a long time ago. And blame? Look at the way people shift the blame away from themself or those they admire. "Have you made any mistakes?"

In one of the most self-proclaimed religious nations in the world people talk the talk, but very few walk the walk.

What's the solution?

Who the hell knows. But tired cliches, politics and 'putting God back in the schools' will not do it. As long as the people running this country keep running this country and keep getting the money and keep being admired and looked to by the common man, there is no solution.

I gotta say "John" I tought your were kidding... What a comment...?

Although a lot of people do believe the blacks down there are just a bunch of lazy welfare loving ignorant fools, I feel differently. Desperate folks.... Not a lot of opportunity, education, or money. These things are remnants of an evil past that just does not go away in a generation or 2. Let's see what opportunities arise during the rebuild for these folks. I will be the first to say they will make up probaby less than a 10th of the workforce and rank last in pay throughout the process, will they be disenfranchised, I think so they will, time will tell. I am not black, I am Natice American and Hispanic, but from some of the blogs and what I have seen, I find it hard to believe that the black folks all decided not to leave. Did they segregate the evacuation points? If so why? I hear 28000 folks in the superdome, where did the rest of the 450,000 people go? Where did they evacuate the afluent areas of the city? And did they get bused out or have water shortages?

One blog mentions the poor folks were told to go to the superdome where they would be evacuated, those who went found the buses were already rolling and not much color was seen on them. Is this true? I mean just as the looting and disrespect for the law reinforces stereotypes of black americans, doesn't anyone see that the way this all went down also reinforces the suspicion and just plan bigotry blacks feel they are subject too? People mention "armed thugs".... If it were white folks with guns alot of people would say "hey they need to protect themselves and what not, but black folks are "thugs".... Maybe they too are protecting themselves from looters... Who knows... But views are always different..."Where is Jesse Jackson" someone says in this forum, what the hell does that mean?

No water no food, this is disgraceful. Why could'nt a chinook from nearby states parachute in all the supplies needed. Do we not have it? As an american I find it hard to believe. Times are tough down there and they are gonna get worse, but hopefully when things come to light we see that all people were treated as equals....
I saw last night they were at the convention center down in the french quarter. I was struck by how many young men were standing around and yelling for someone to come and help them. Why can't they use those strong lungs they're yelling with to provide the breath it would take to walk a few miles to find help for themselves?

My money would be on that they are sitting on their lazy butts when there isn't a hurricane and wanting somebody to help them then also.

As most have said the root of the problem is the lack of good parenting. It's our job as parents to teach our children respect for themselves as well as for others, honesty in all that we say and do, responsibility for our own actions, that there are conseqeunces for their actions, plus a laundry list of more. Gee doesn't that sound like simple morality? But most parents today are too busy trying to get what they WANT out of life and ignoring what they and their kids NEED.

I know it's not easy, (I'm a father of three), but when you decide to have children it's a responsibility you are taking upon yourself. Of course in today's society we don't need to take responsibility for anything it's somebody elses fault. I actually heard somebody blame the hurricane on the Bush administration for global warming. I didn't realize the government could move that fast.

Gosh, I don't think I've ever typed this much on one topic. I'll put my soap box away for this month.

NelsonOKC says:
Those problems are not caused by race or poverty. Much of the isues today are because people lack discipline and motivation. You must have both to be a benefit to society. People with discipline, but no motivation just sit around like lumps and do nothing to fix problems, whereas motivated people with no discipline can cause problems, such as the ones occurring in New Orleans today. Fortunately, these folks are a small percentage of the country's population.

Actually, I respectfully disagree with you Nelson. I think that there is a very large percentage of poverty, desperation and a feeling of entitlement towards government welfare in this country, and I don't singularly blame the people. I place a large part of the blame on our government.

The social programs that our government have pushed for 50 years now have generated three or four generations of a permenant underclass with seemingly no way out. It has been a failure.

We need to stop the insanity. Insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results.

Yes, people need personal responsibility; yes people need discipline; they also need a government that holds those things important as well.

"Teach a man to fish..."


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