Pedophilia is a right!

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Wow. This discussion has taken some weird twists and turns. This issue is hardly hyped by the media. In fact, it is farily down-played. Pay a visit to the <a href="" target="_blank">party's website</a> (use the google translator).
Nowadays ---

Most new laws or selected enforcement of existing laws are a result of one of two things:

1 Political correctness --- afraid to offend anyone else Lawyers ??????? or what is being talked about at the time and is easy.

2 Politics --- new law to "show I care" for re-election or enforce esisting law prior to election to show "see what I have done" (Hard laws to enforce not to be bothered with at election time)

Could they both be related ???

Lawyers and our current court system has a lot to do with the evolution of what is legally "right or wrong".


Simply put, there are more improtant things that need to adressed before the government needs to adress other issues.

Smoking in pupblic such as a bar is not a crime. Getting drunk in a bar, and I am not talking about the guy setting hammered and falling over, but a little buzz (which is legally druk and falls uder "public Intox" rules) and arresting that person is trivial to the problems this country has with murder, rape, prostitution, drug use/abuse, welfare fraud, insurance fraud, education, and poverty.

If all the money these local, state, and federal government spent enforcing BS laws was put to the actualy greater good of this country, we would not have the problems we have. The number one solve all for most of this countries problems is education. The dumber a group of people are, the more they are abusing drugs, selling thier bodies, murder, rape, welfare fraud, and the higher poverty level.

When a murder happens in a higher class neighborhood, the news is all over it. When it happens in the ghetto, nobody cares. It is still a life nonetheless.

I agree, give it 20 years and there will be a movement towards allwing grown men have sex with little boys and girls. None of this is caused by the "slippery slope" theory. The higher educated a group of people are, the less children they have because they understand what it costs to take care of a family. That is why you got so many children running around the ghetto. Those uneducated people have nothing else to do then crap out babies every 9 months so they can get more welfare.

Lets just regulate a bar on who can smoke there. Yea, that will solve problems. Lets take away funding to clean up the streets of prostitutes and drug dealers. Yea, that works!!!

Give me a break.


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