Petition to Boycott Video Game "25 To Life"

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While I think the game is trash and should never have been marketed, Banning the game is a form of censorship and infringes on freedom of speach.

I think we would be far better off going after the parents who let their kids play these kinds of games. I feel these games in the hands of children is "Endangering a child", or "Contributing to the delinquency of a child". The games are labled "Mature" and it should be the parent's responsibility under law to insure their kids are not exposed to this kind of garbage.

...12 people too stupid to get out of jury duty...

I don't think I've disagreed with you before Jeff, but I gotta on this one. If every one of us, stupid or otherwise, didn't see a need to perform this public service/duty then our judicial system would go the way of Saddam. Then guess what would happen; that game would never be allowed in the country because our laws/rights and freedoms would be gone.

it's a game it's not going to change the way I think about cops or jews or what not.

Daniel, simply by playing that game (hypothetically) gassing jews or killing cops, you've already demonstrated how you feel about them.

And ya damn straight, both parents don't HAVE to work, I am living proof. Making very little money on one income is hard, but you learn to spend less, drive older vehicles and own older homes. I see women popping out babies and back to work in a couple of weeks, not even missing a beat. And they have their own $35K car

From the guy planning on buying a Jeep so the wife can drive the ST. hhhmmmm...

And my opinion?? Folks playing these types of games have already lost some morals and responsibility. Just one more step to doing it for real.

Reporter: "Mr. Vice President, what's your take on violence in video games?"

Mr. V.P. "Just because I played Duck Hunt 20 years ago doesn't mean I'm going to go around shooting lawyers!"

Who's saying what's going on in video games is GOOD?

Should we recall and ban war games? Afterall, war is one of the worst things that a society can do to another society. What if during a video game simulation, a vetran has a bad flashback, goes crazy, and stalks the streets with his trusty M-16?

For me, there is no line. I have standards and respect and dignity in real life; but when I grab a ccontroller, I can pretend and dive into a world where the abnormal is normal, and anything goes. Each one of us has to be able to seperate the real life, from the virtual life. If you have problems seperating the two, or have problems with what happens in one in relation to the other, then by all means, abstain from one of those worlds. But don't push your shortcomings off on those with the mental stability to allow the most evil of evils happen virtually.

Afterall, people were killing cops before video games; there were wars before video games; there was evil and corruption before video games; video games are an easy scapegoat to blame all that is bad or wrong with our culture.
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There have been some very good points made for both sides in this post. I do have two children, one two and the other four. Now I know they are young but I do moniter what they watch and do. I work nights and my wife works days. (that one is for you Q) I grew up on video games and find nothing wrong with anything they would put out. I searved during the first Gulf War and these are the same "freedoms" that I volunteered to protect when I signed up. If some sick demented person deciedes to come up with a really bad concept for a game and puts it out there for sale then so be it. Do what he DOESN"T want. DON"T BUY IT!!!! Let him waste money on the development of the game then lose his shirt for the sales end of it. Signing a pettition isn't going to do anything. Some other degenerate will come out with something that is even worse and it will go like hotcakes.

There shouldn't be a fine line dealing with "Vertual Reality". Vertual reality is a way of blowing off steam in a safe environment instead of out in public in my opinion. If some stupid ass decides it would be fun to take the game to the streets then that person wasn't wrapped to tight to begin with and would have probably done it sooner or later anyway. It's like saying that Judas Priest put "subliminal messages" in there music so kids would blow their heads off. I listened to the same music and I didn't get that feeling. Those kids were alittle on the outside looking in already.

TJR, in my opinion you are a good parent by the sound of it. Do you think your kids would buy a game like this anyway? Probably not. Why? Because YOU RAISED THEM RIGHT! Do you think they would go out there and perform the stuff on the game if they played it by some chance? Probably not. Why? Beacause YOU RAISED THEM RIGHT! Then it does come down to the parenting. The ratings are there for a reason. Some parents don't care what thier kids do or play and what usually happens to those kids? You see them on the 6 O'Clock News and thier parents are going "he was always such a good kid, the have the wrong kid" while the neighbors are saying "it was only a matter of time".;)
Stone, I just don't want my "good kid" killed by some "wrong kid" who is jaded by violence and has too easy access to fire arms (two different issues, I know).

I guess it does "take a village."

See, I said this would be an issue to discuss.

I agree that how the kids are raised wll determine in most cases how they will turn out as adults.

But I still feel this type of violence in a game cannot be a good thing.
I have a novel new approach to put forward here....... Try being a parent, and monitor what your kids are doing!! Get of the ST website and spend time with your kids!

There are so many other things to worry about than a damn video game. You want the game to fail, let it fail because MATURE people find it reprehensible, not because you personally don't approve of the game and want it banned.
Okay, so "anything goes" then, right Ethan?

In the entertainment world there is "NO LINE", right?

BTW, thanks for the parenting advice. Do you have children?

I remember when I was a friends and I would play cops and robbers. Someone always portrayed the robbers, and none of us turned out to be thugs.
Good point Nelson. Only difference there is kids had to use their imagination.

In many ways I'm just wondering what passes as good, virtual entertainment these days. Sounds like to some anything goes.

What's next:

Virtual Paris Hilton snuff film...A-OKAY. Assasinate President Bush first-person shooter...KEWL. Virtual Rape Fantasy DVD...NO PROBLEM.

Just slap a mature rating label on it, and tell parents that object to GET OVER IT; that they should be raising their own kids.

Okay, so "anything goes" then, right Ethan?

In the entertainment world there is "NO LINE", right?

BTW, thanks for the parenting advice. Do you have children?


I didn't say anything goes. My point is that if parents paid more attention to their kids, their activities and actually spent time with them a lot of this nonsense would not be necessary. Instead of doing that some want to force their own personal morality on the rest of the population.

BTW, my brother is a beat cop in St. Louis and finds this petition ridiculous.
So, Ethan, not "everything goes", so you think there are things that would offend you and you would lobby against, right? Good for you.

Ethan says:
Instead of doing that some want to force their own personal morality on the rest of the population.

You say "instead" and "some", meaning that you seem to only object to those parents who choose to lobby against this sort of thing instead of taking a more active part in raising their kids properly. So I guess to those parents, like me that are raising their kids properly you don't see a problem with us boycotting the game?

As for "forcing personal morality", hey that happens all the time. I don't personally agree with abortion, but I understand it is the law of the land, and I am not so vested in it that I boycott doctors or lobby outside clinics. I guess what I am saying is OTHER PEOPLE's morality is placed upon us all the time, and we seem to think that its a "whoever has the most voices or whomever yells the loudest" wins the morality shouting match.

I just don't think killing cops is fun entertainment, virtual or otherwise. You feel different; fine. I will use my voice to boycott.

I commend your brother for his efforts and service. Though I don't understand how he can support a game like this.

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