Phelps -- Greatest Athlete?

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I just wish people would tone down the cross-era and cross-sports comparisons. I see nothing productive in them.

Since when does something need to be "productive" to make for a fun and interesting conversation? Man, if only "productive" conversations are allowed, at least 90% of this board goes away. :D

It's not a hornet's nest--it's just fun, tavern-style sports talk. Nothing more.

I assumed that given the rather vocal, seemingly passionate objections to Phelps accomplishments by some here that it was more than just tavern talk.
I assumed that given the rather vocal, seemingly passionate objections to Phelps accomplishments by some here that it was more than just tavern talk.

Are you forgetting about bar fights that end in hugs?

Don't forget too that the internet is like beer, it makes you say things you wouldn't to someone sober or to their face.
Last edited by a moderator: actually has a survey on this. You'll note all the highest ranked are modern athletes. Jim Thorpe isn't doing badly for someone who won his Olympic medals almost 100 years ago. Of course, I don't see Hercules on the list at all. :D