Pittance of Time- Please Read and Vist URL

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Half-cocked...well, I'll start with RobC's comments , not to pick on anyone in particular it's just that he was first:
Is it just me or dont people expect to be able to shop at a local drug store without having to have something such as this imposed on them?

There is a time and a place to show respect for all war veterans, in any country. Why does it have to be done when your trying to shop? I think this was a stupid issue to have with someone.

If every business owner and every employer took it upon themselves to dedicate a "pittance of time" for every tragedy they experienced in their lives, we wouldnt have anytime left in the day to get anything done!

Rob's comments make it sound like this business and any business for that matter set up some arbitrary time for this observance. They didn't. It was a national observance that happens the same time each year.

Rob further says "there is a time and a place to show respect for all veterans, in any country", and he is right, and for Canada it seems "the time" is Nov 11th at 11:00am, and "the place" is wherever you might be at that time.

Rob then said: "If every business ower took it upon themselves to dedicate..."; and again, that's not what happened. The business simply observed the nationally set aside time.

So, sorry Rob, it seems clear that you didn't know this was a national observance; and I suspect that if you did, you might have commented differently as most of your comments seem not to apply.

That's why I said half-cocked. RobC himself even commented later after being enlighted as so:
Olaf, thank you for pointing that out to me I had no idea, its an awesome site when members can try for a second to not bash an unpopular opinion, especially after finding out, as was done here, that the opinion was based on a false assumption.

So, it seems if we ALL just calm down a bit, take a breath, try to understand where the other person is coming from BEFORE we reply (especially if replying with a disenting opinion) than everything would go more smoothly.


I apologize. I should have kept this to myself.

I started the thread not for an argument but to share. The point was not specifically about the shopper but rather about MY PERSONAL admiration for those who serve. The message I was trying to get out was that veterans all over the world deserve respect for having sellflessly serving. How did this become an argument. MY personal opinion is that no amount of recognition would be too much recognition. That is MY opinion. And NO, I am not a military veteran. I am a police veteran. If this annoyed you just imagine how much you'd hate the video for fallen police officers that I have.

I'm outta here.

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Don't apologize Gerry, you did nothing wrong. Thanks for posting it. Some people like to think they are more important and above such things as times of observance, and others just like to be the ones that gripe about things. It takes all kinds to make the world go around.
Agreed, TJR, Gerry did absolutely nothing wrong, and has nothing to apologize about. But I also think that Robc was among the least wrong of the following posts. The original post and the link provided no background on this Canadian tradition. You're right in that he could have made himself more well informed before posting--as could nearly everyone who posted after that. But once someone clarified to him the tradition, he was the only one big enough to recant and admit that his conclusion was based on incomplete knowledge of the situation. He at least deserves credit for that.
Bill V says:
But once someone clarified to him the tradition, he was the only one big enough to recant and admit that his conclusion was based on incomplete knowledge of the situation. He at least deserves credit for that.

Yup, he does deserve credit and admiration for that, that's why I mentioned he was enlightened (a compliment).

Way to go RobC.

Q says:
I think someone came on here half-cocked looking for someone to criticize. I think we can do without the slamming and criticizing other members here.

Nice, as always, Q.

I meant half-cocked in the sense of one acting or speaking before fully ready or prepared. And, in that sense if ONE is fully prepared and ready with all the appropriate information and context then there is NO NEED to backpeddle and say things like: "Oh, well sure, if that's the case then forget what I said!" So the fact that you back-peddled later when additonal information was provided (information that was easily obtainable), doesn't dismiss my original point at all; the point being that people really should just calm down, slow down, and understand before chiming in as the squeeky wheel.

I wasn't trying to pick a fight, Q, but I was looking to be critical.

And, in my criticality I simply asked people to consider things and understand what is being said before responding.

Why that is so "controversial" to you, I can't fathom. Sorry, but I won't be made to feel bad or to feel like I was picking a fight or was overly critical because I encouraged people to use some good manners.

Merry Christmas!

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Yeah, Q, whatever. You are beating a dead horse with a bunch of non-sequiter "what if's" which came to your mind and the minds of others who didn't take the time to understand the background of the video and the story.

That was you guys, not me. I wasn't emotional or overly critical, but if you think I was, well then I guess you got me, but then again, I am considering the source a little.

Okay, Q, you got me, I was CRITICAL, but I didn't **** on anyone and the fact that said accusation is coming from the recent KING of the one-line slams and name callings and petty little bitch posts, I can't even begin to understand where you get the nerve.

As I said, I didn't **** on anyone. Re-read my posts, until you challenged me, and even after and you will see that they are not attacking anyone or shitting on anyone.

If people (YOU) get offended by my use of the term "half-cocked" then for that I am sorry, but many here DID go off half-cocked and then back-peddled when they get the pertinent information that was implicit to the original poster that made the actions of the shopper so rude in the first place.

But, go ahead, GET THE LAST post in as a reply, because I am done with you AND if this site had an IGNORE USER capability you would be on my list!

Good day!

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I said I'd let you get the last word, and I still will, I just can't let it go if you think I "shat" on you.

I am sorry. I don't know where I offended you or attacked you directly, but I guess I did and for that I am sorry, truly sorry.

Well, Ive been so busy lately i havent been on here in a while, seems not much has changed.

To bad Gerry, that you just wanted to share something related to a day thats very Important to me and many other Canadians and it turns into another pissing match.

Every November 11th we go to the cenotaph for the ceremony, the into the arena for the service, which for the last few years the have played the "pitance of time" video, which I find very good, thanks for the reminder.

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