Radar Detector

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Robert Poole

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2001
Reaction score
McDonough, GA
It has been a while since I have purchased a radar detector, what ones are the good ones for the buck as they say. I checked Ebay and they have a bunch of cobra's and whistlers and a few passports along with a few valentines. Plus several what I consider *unknown names*

Have a good one

Second vote for the 8500 X50. They have the 9500 now which has the ability to remember and ignore radar such as the doors at Walmart.
I've been extremely happy with my Escort Solo S2. It is cordless (runs on 4 AA batteries) so I can easily carry from car to car and take on business trips in rental cars. I hard wired plugs in all my personal vehicles, but the battery setup is nice on trips.

I think any choice through the Escort line will be good. :)
Valentines aren't bad. They're just not as good as they were when they came out 20 years ago (Haven't changed since).
I'm a dealer for Bel, Passport, Escort, K40, Valentine, and Blinder.

Due to the fact that I'm not even trying to sell a product, why would you assume my response would be financially motivated?
I would like to suggest a solution if you think Dingos opinion is biased because he is a dealer.

I will pay for 1 tank of gas for anyone willing to follow dingo around for 1 tank of gas, you can have your valentine 1, dingo has his setup.

At the end of the day, whoever has a speeding ticket must admit it on camera, I will be filming the entire thing.

this test is heavilly in the followers favor as dingo will will be going first. or would a valentine 1 believer be willing to go first and let dingo follow?

any takers?


I have the Passport in the Escalade & the Mustang. Love it... although the CHP did get me a couple of weeks ago on I-80 coming down from Truckee. Sharp blind corner to the left, and they're sitting there with the radar on. No warning, just instant 'full on' and then BAM! Plain white CHP car with my second 80 in a 65 in 2 days!!! (No detector in the ST, and I got nailed for 80 in a 65 the day before on the way up to Tahoe.)