There are some options. Every one of them has their plus and minuses.
Smaller pulley = harder steering at slower speeds. As it is, out Tracs have a steering shudder at parking lot speeds. This would increase with a smaller pulley. Ford fixes this by installing a pump assembly off a 4 door Explorer that has a higher pressure out-put.
You will more than likely have an issue under heavy acceleration as well. What happens as a result of how our belts are routed, when you floor it to pass some one the belt actually "Loops" over the top of the pulley. What that means is, when you floor it the belt is thrown over the pulley and it decreases the drag on the pulley. With less drag the pulley actually slows down even though the belt does not (Since the belt is not pulling the pulley, it is jumping over it). Once the pulley slows down you loose your power steering.
Even if you change nothing what I explained above will still happen. Our Tracs need the belt changed twice as often to help prevent this. As the belt ages it gets harder/stiffer. So a new belt helps control the "Belt Looping" issue.
The PSPS (Power Steering Pressure Switch) only increases the RPM's of the engine when it registers a load. It only does this at very slow vehicle speeds. So changing out the PSPS will do nothing for you either.
Is there an answer, yes. An easy one, I don't think so. You would have to get variable steering components and modify them to the Trac set up.