Retired? From what? How long?

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Like my profile says:

"Retired NYC based International Investment Banker Got fed up of the rat race and called it quits 5 years ago at 45!

I spend my days watching TV, restoring old cars, & driving my wife INSANE!!! "


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Emergency Medical Services. I was a paramedic for 27 years.

I started my nursing career in 1993 and overlapped it 13 years with EMS. Now I just do nursing.
High Tech PCB Mfg....40 play golf 5 days/week and my honey is still working for her medical benefits................Life is GOOD!
i am jealous :smile0001:

congrats on your retirement, time to move to floida :smile0007:

wifey is just over 2 years away from civil service.

me, just a 401K :smile0010:
Retired from IBM after close to 30 years about 13 years ago at age 55. Then went to work for a small software firm and retired from them after 10 year about 2+ years ago. :smile0015:

I retired on disability at 56 after 36yrs. I will be 60 in may. Will draw my pension then also. After my divorce this year I put the remainder of my 2 401's, into anuaties and one roth. I dont think I will need those for awhile.
Retired: nope

Still a Student. One more semester to go for my undergrad and then 2.5 years of PA school:smile0002:

I live in a retirment Community, mean average age is 74 (will be 62 in a couple weeks)

I see first hand what happens when people retire, I never will.
Chemistry tech for an oil refinery. Naphtha, gasoline, jet fuel, diesel, bunker fuel, and low sulfur fuel oil for electric generating stations. 2004

I spent the first 35 years of my life 'retired'. I did the "Play now, work later" program, and spent many of those years living in Tahoe skiing, biking, hiking, golfing and generally just enjoying life! Now, at 50, I'm now quite deep into the 'work later' part of the program! My mother passed away 3 1/2 years ago, leaving me a restaurant and several rental properties to run. So I'll be doing the work thing for quite some time... It's OK, I have no ex wives of kids running around, so what money I make is MINE!
25 years in various positions in commercial banking and trust management, left all that in 2001, made M&M's candy for 3 yrs, now at a food distribution warehouse (an 8-4 job) for the past 5 yrs, make more than my bills are, have fun, very little stress, I usually have forgotten my work day by the time I leave the parking lot. :smile0006:


I always wondered how that would be, you seem content with your decision to do that. Do you still have time to "play" ??
35 years with duPont as a lab tech. Then 2 years on contract (double-dipping). Got divorced in '04 after 43 years of marriage. Spent too many hours watching TV.(they call it depression) Been doing volunteer work at a local hospital since January this year. Love i! THere are only 3 active men among 60-70 women. I am having a ball !!!

At age 24, I knew what I was going to do when I 'grew up'... I knew that I'd be in the restaurant business... My mom & stepfather had opened a pizza place in Sacramento, Ca. after moving out from Chicago. The business was successful. My step dad passed away when I was 21, and working for my mom wasn't cutting it. (Those of you that work in 'family' businesses know what I'm talking about) I was going to college for something I wasn't sure I wanted to do... living with a girl that I wasn't quite sure was the 'right one'... Then I saw Malcolm Forbes on David Letterman one night... He told the audience that "Our society is backwards. We go to school, work until we're 55, then retire! You need to go enjoy your youth! Go do what it is that you want to do when you're young, while you can! Do you think that you'll want to jump out of a plane when you're 55? Hell no! Do it now! You don't have to retire at 55. You can work until you're 65 or 75 easily!" It struck a chord with me... Shortly thereafter, my father passed away in Chicago, and I returned home for his funeral. While there, I visited with many of my high school friends. Most were married, had kids, and were buying houses. They had all been working since finishing school, and none of them had left Chicago. I knew that this was not the path I wanted to follow... I returned to California, and decided to move to Tahoe... Quit school, quit working for my mom, and told my g/f I was moving. She couldn't come along, so we went our own ways... I spent the next 7 years skiing 50-100 days a winter, and riding my road bike over mountain passes all summer, along with whatever else I could find to do to have fun! I worked in the restaurant and construction industries part time while playing, learning the business that I would someday inherit. I lived on next to nothing in a rich person's world, or as they call it in Tahoe, "Poverty with a view!" My mom had purchased some rental properties over the years, and I eventually moved down from Tahoe and started to take over the maintenence of the properties while working part time at other jobs, mainly bartending. When my mom passed away, the party was over and I went from 'Professional Leisurist' to corporate president. From ski bum to 'I got 2 job mon!'... My head spins these days at the amount of 'stuff' that I need to deal with on a daily basis now. But I still know how to play... my toys are just more expensive! I just need to MAKE time for it now. My latest 'hobby', road racing 125cc shifter karts! This is at Infineon Raceway at Sears Point. 105 mph!

[Broken External Image]:

BTW, I still talk to the ex g/f on occasion... And I made the right call, as she's VERY liberal, and well, I'm not! So we would of never made it work anyways.
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