Rich Stern: HTML tags aren't working in my message post

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Eric Pennal

Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2001
Reaction score

I tried posting a message with multiple pics using HTML tags, like I've always done before, but now they aren't working.

I'm using the following HTML formula:

{img src=" "}

I'm actually using < > instead of { }, of course.

Any ideas?

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Eric, as far as I know, there is no problem...

<img src="">

Email the the HTML you were trying to use and I will test further.
EricP, why not just use the {img}{/img} (swapping curly braces for square brackets) as are placed by the Image button above the smileys?
Where are the pics being hosted that you are linking to? In your library, or offsite? Some sites don't allow remote hosting, so even with perfect code, they won't show up.

&lt;img src="URL"> is the proper tag. No need to have a closing tag either.
Thanks, guys.

I still can't figure out why it isn't working. :(


The pics are in my library, and I used the same method that has always worked before. I used the same formula you give as an example, first by clicking on the thumbnail to enlarge the pic, then highlighting the URL, copy, and pasting between the quote marks. That's why I thought it might be a server glitch, or something.

I'll keep trying. :)
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So far, the HTML tags still aren't working for me.

The picture link tool works, but with the number of pics I wanted to post, I hate to reply over and over, just to get them to show up. :eek:
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EricP, can't you post multple {img} tags in one reply, or do you want them to be thumbnail links or something in the link field (thus only one)???

Hey...See my post in your "Testing" thread. I think your issue is the use of double quotes intead of single quotes. Try single quotes instead.

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Double quotes should still work, there's something within the site's programming that doesn't like the doubles apparently. I've always used doubles with no problems. Single quotes are usually used in java and style sheets, stuff like that. Not sure why singles would work and doubles wouldn't....that is strange.

<img src="">

<img src="">

EDIT...both the above pics, two seperate pics, use double quotes. Show up on my computer at least.
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