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I guess it's no wonder that Democrats want the taxes raised.... they don't like people having the ability to choose what to spend their own money on. Gosh, I hate it when facts come in the way of a good argument....

Actually, Democrats would like to scale back the tax cuts because they recognize that social programs which benefit everyone, get cut otherwise. Not to mention, paying for the war now, instead of funding it on credit the way the Republicans do. They also know that a truly strong economy can't exist under record federal deficits.
I guess that's why in 2004 the bottom 32.4% of American Household don't pay ANY effective income taxes then, eh? Oh, BTW, that's up from 25.2% under your best friend Bill Clinton (that in 1999, his "best" year in the chart)...

That is because since your friend GB has been in charge, poverty levels have steadily increased, while they declined sharply while Bill Clinton was in charge. Granted, not as high as when papa Bush was in office.

[Broken External Image]:

the average unemployment is 4.4%, lower than all periods between 1960 and 1999

I don't buy that <a HREF="">Check it here</A>

hourly compensation has increased an average of 3.7% in the past year

That's called people getting raises so they can live, you can't tout that as an accomplishment. However when you look at the fact that $1 in 2005 has the same buying power as $1.04 in 2006, that's a 4% decrease in your dollar's power. Looking at the CPI for this period vs the same period in 2000 = a 14.4% increase in the cost of living. 2005 - 2006 = 2.17% COL increase. A 3.7% AVERAGE hourly compensation increase is pretty tight considering those numbers include total compensation, including benefits. That doesn't necessairly mean more cash in pocket, but higher costs of health insurance will skew those numbers. Yeah, I got a mailing from my employer this year stating how my "Total Compensation" was $20000 more than my base salary. I'm soooo grateful that I'm getting benefits from a full time position, where a standard benefits package is considered, well, standard. Take into account certain people having bonuses, options, etc... yeah, not everyone gets those.

Screw the facts and numbers, that's exactly what everyone else does with them, screw them up for whoever the screwed numbers benefit.
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R Shek

111,000,000 AMERICAN's have saved an average of $1877 per year.

thats $208,347,000,000 out of the government coffers.

the most trusted source for accurate and unbiased news/information.

The Outstanding Public Debt as of 10 Nov 2006 at 03:09:45 AM GMT is:

$ 8 , 5 9 1 , 5 2 8 , 2 5 4 , 3 7 0 . 3 1

The estimated population of the United States is 300,188,487

so each citizen's share of this debt is $28,620.45.

The National Debt has continued to increase an average of

$2.04 billion per day since September 29, 2006!

if you, your children, your grand-children and your great-grand-children are comfortable with that, then you better be ready when the collection agency comes a callin'
thats $208,347,000,000 out of the government coffers.

Yep and in OUR hands to spend, not the Gov't. And actually, if you go look at the sources I presented, the revenue to the Gov't is actually exceeding that amount as the Gov't gets taxes on that money in other ways (sales tax being the biggest). Personally, I want my $1877 in MY pocket, not in the Gov'ts.

It's called Velocity of Money, it's a means of measuring how $1 creates several more dollars through the banking system and lend/borrow services. It's pretty standard in any intermediate and most basic economics studies. Go take a look for yourself.

if you, your children, your grand-children and your great-grand-children are comfortable with that, then you better be ready when the collection agency comes a callin'

If the fatcats in Washington quit doing things like spending $215 million on a bridge that servers 18,000 people, or spending $25 million studying cow flatulance, or $17 billion on a drug program that was supposed to cost $5 billion, we wouldn't have this problem either. You can't tell me that politicians know how to spend MY money better than I do.

I want MY money. Call me greedy, but damnit I work hard for it. My "social (in)security" account has only grown about 1/2% since I started working. My 401(k) has exceeded that by more than 600%, even in a bad year. For every dollar that goes into that worthless program, $.75 goes somewhere.... don't know where and neither does the gov't. Call it account maintanence fees, or whatever. It's a very inefficient system. Anyone who thinks that Social Security has a "lockbox" is welcome to my ocean-front property in Nevada.

Under the Consitution, the only thing that the Government was REQUIRED to pay for was the common defence (military and civilian justice). THAT'S IT! Now we have more than $2 TRILLION in annual budgets, less than 1/4 of which is for common defence. Cut out the other BS and that 8.6 trillion that you note above is paid for in 6 years, that's without a single cent in additional taxes than we already pay.

Did you also note in your numbers that a percentage of the increase is to actually pay off the bonds (treasury to be exact) that we sold to fund Bill Clinton's supposed Balanced Budget? Do you also know that the "budget surplus" (a VERY bad thing for a government economically) was a projected number that was actually the projected budget 7 years out (so that would have been starting in 2007 when Mr. Clinton was touting it). That projection did not take into account the fact that the economy of 1998-2000 was built on hype and not reality, and the fact that a group of 19 men did some very bad things.

the most trusted source for accurate and unbiased news/information.

I bet you wet yourself everytime that the Clinton whitehouse released some "good" economic news though....

my "Total Compensation" was $20000 more than my base salary

Wow.... that's amazing. Where do you live, the PRK or Massoftwoshits? I am in God's Country (Arkansas) and my total compensation was only about $4500 more than my salary (totalling near $53k).

Do you know what the "poverty" level even is? Do you know that if I made $50,000 in NYC, I would probably fall into that poverty class? $30,000 a year in places like Arkansas, Oklahoma and Nebraska is doable. "Poverty level" is an average across the nation. It is not an effective indicator of who actually is in poverty. Also note that in the last 20 years, the population of the US have gone up quite significantly. If you take 200,000,000 multiply that by 12.6% you have 2.52 million. Multiply 300,000,000 by 12.6% and you get 3.78 million or a 33% increase, with a ZERO percentage change in the poverty rate.

According to your own referred chart, there has been about a 2.5% change in the poverty rate.

In 2000, the popul

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