Mark K,
I can understand where some older people (I'll be 66 later this month:grin

might not trust using Debit cards, especially if they don't have a computer. I know for a long time, I resisted using Debit/ATM cards even though I have been in the computer industry for 45 years. Debit cards do not offer the same level of fraud protection as a credit card, and when you write a check you expect to have the copy of the cancelled check as proof of payment.
These undocumented transactions can cause a lot of concern for older people who may not have had much exposure to computers and all this electronic banking that we all now like so much.
My pet peeve about people who write checks are the ones (usually women) who wait until the cashier rings up their entire order and gives them the total, before they start digging in their duffle bag sized purse to find their checkbook !! They act like the cashier is going to tell them that the groceries are free or somehow they did not expect to have to pay?? Then when they finally find their checkbook and a pen, they are so slow that you think they are writing an Inaugural Speach.
When I used checks, I would have the checkbook out and already have written in the date, the name of the store on the Payee line, and even signed my check and just waiting to write in the total amount....which I could do in about the same time I could swipe a debit card and enter my PIN.
It's about as irritating as the people who always have items that are not marked with a price, or have a million coupons and half of them are expired...:angry: