Sherlock Holmes

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Dan Long

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2007
Reaction score
Gainesville, FL
Just got back from seeing the new Sherlock Holmes movie, overall I thought it was pretty good. Nothing really "WOW" about it, but overall pretty entertaining and Downey definitely plays a heck of a mentally unbalanced character! Looks like there's going to be a sequel....

Lots of good previews for upcoming movies in the next 6 months or so though! I can't wait for Iron Man 2, Leo DiCaprio also has a new one called "Inception" that looks pretty cool. After the whole "Titanic" craze I never thought he'd be an actor that I actually liked, but he's really proven himself with some intense roles over the past few years. I just looked up his name on and they show he has 27 projects "In Development"!!! Surely, not all will pan out, but that's still pretty crazy...
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Sherlock Holmes was pretty good.

The first mainstream movie to portray Holmes like he was in the books, not the punk Basil Rathbone versions where he was an impeccable character and the plots were from left field...and then used as war propaganda.

Oh, and finally Watson got to do something besides be baggage who was just constantly humiliated and living in the shadow of Holmes.

Sadly, until this movie, the most accurate Holmes portrayal we had was Doctor House.

(Though I did enjoy the Basil versions, but they aren't in the same league)

**I dunno, that Matrix-styled leo dicraprio movie didn't look that good, though what looked horrendous was Angelina Jolie's pending movie Salt....and Gerard Butler's movie where he's a bounty hunter chasing down a bounty on his ex gf. The man went from 300 to Gamer to romantic comedies :(

Knight & Day didn't look bad, and for a modern Tom Cruise movie, that surprised me.
The previews I saw were Inception, Clash of the Titans, Iron Man 2, and The Sorcerer's Apprentice (might be OK). I forgot about the Butler/Aniston movie, definitely disappointed in him for that, along with The Ugly Truth..... PS, I Love You ~was~ pretty good though if you have a soft spot.
Well, it wasn't so much a "To Be Continued" as it was a "door left wide open with a sign saying there was millions of dollars in there free for the taking".:smile0014:
Well, it wasn't so much a "To Be Continued" as it was a "door left wide open with a sign saying there was millions of dollars in there free for the taking"

+1, and I hope they make another.

I don't recall anything for The Sorcerer's Apprentice...closest thing I saw to that was the Percy Jackson thing (aka Harry Potter rip).

I saw a preview for Russel Crowe's Robin Hood, which could either be good, or fail abysmally...and with Crowe at the helm, I'm thinking the latter. Was that the new Ridley Scott movie, or was the much better looking Clash of the Titans movie by him?

...and isn't Sam Worthington the main char in Titans? If it's good, I can just pretend that Avatar didn't mar his record.
We saw SH tonight. Worth the money I thought and worth the money to add to the collection when it comes out. A sequel would be ok with me...

Previews for us were The Book of Eli, IronMan2, Sorcerer's Apprentice, Chash of the Titans, and the Butler/Aniston movie. All the previews looked good. The Bounty Hunter looks like it might be entertaining for an afternoon when I can't find anything else to do, but don't know if I'll make a special trip for it.
Anyone catch the refrence to "Wild Wild West"? I think thats where they are going to lead into if they do a SH2! Would be interesting to see how that comes together, would that include a remake of the horrible version (without Will Smith)?
Wild Wild West with Will Smith wasn't that bad. Kennith Branaugh's best role to date--redeems him after he decided to make himself both Hamlet AND Jesus at the same time in his heinous 4 hour Hamlet movie.

The movie was worse than the original show, but WAY better than the original movies.

I remember one movie where Doctor Loveless, who was a deranged midget and not Branaugh, hid a nuclear bomb in the WWWest era, and it looked like the stereotypical 70s smiley face, and the movie ends in the modern time (which was then the 70s) telling people to look out for anything which looked like that smiley.

Incredibly lame.

That said, I missed the reference, what was it?

You got a book of eli preview? Wow...that's really late for a preview to be shown.

What IS this sorcerer's apprentice thing? I've never seen anything for it...and I didn't know that Nick Cage was doing anything besides the movie KickAss for 2010.

Truth be told, I saw so many commercials and previews that I forget what I was at the theatre to see!
Sorcerers Apprentice has Cage as a wacked out, crazy sorcerer in modern times training a teenage kid who's supposed to be the Supreme Sorcerer and save the world, or something to that effect. Looks OK, has TONS of huge SFX, alot of which seemed to be similar the SFX from Jumper.

I also missed the WWW reference....

Again though, I can't wait for Iron Man 2! The preview looked great, and the use of the "Iron Man" song just gets me rocking evertime I hear it. Not to mention, Scarlett Johanson in a tight, black leather suit with red hair...... WOWWWW!
Iron Man 2 did look awesome, though the dude with the whips (which sounds wrong no matter how I put it) was a minor character in the comics.

So are they going to make him a bigger villain, or will there be other villains? The preview made me think #2 there, but that makes me think of SpiderMan 3, which had WAY too many villains for one movie IMO. (Sandman, Hob Goblin, AND Venom)

"The American People want your Technology"

"Well, they can't have it. I have successfully privatized World Peace!"

I predict a Sherlock Holmes vs Ironman in the near future.

LOL, how would that work? Time Travel? The song says, iirc, that Iron Man can do that. That'd make RD Jr beat up on himself though :banana:
Mickey Rourke looked downright nuts with those whips and the grill they gave him. I never read the IM comics so I know nothing of the villains, but if he's just a minor villain I'd sure hate to see who outranks him!