Bill V
Well-Known Member
That depends. Do you know if the iPhone assembly plant is unionized?
Just not liking how the site is flowing lately, Not 1 bit...
Amazing, so, so naive.
Trying to help Americans see thier flawed health care system is like trying to convert a hardcore religeous person... No one can help you unless you want to help yourself.
I find it quite funny that 60-70% of you are saying its garbage while others are saying its perfectly fine... I am assuming the ones that think its okay are the ones that have never had a serious health issue. You say you can work hard for your money and pay for the insurance, but as i've whitnessed, and even heard in this thread, even if you DO have the insurance you still might have to work till your dead to pay the bill.
ToddZ, so I guess I shouldn't post an OT thread asking if anyone got an iPhone yet and how they like it?
Frankly, I wonder if some are brave enough to comment in person.
The question here isn't one of working hard and earning it. The question is why should healthcare in America cost so darn much?
Simple to answer: US has some of the best health care in the world, and this great healthcare is available to many. Bottom line: You get what you pay for!
There is nothing exotic or cutting edge about any of the care my family received above...yet we paid on average almost $10K a year for it
It's called insurance. When you need an organ transplant, I'm sure you'll be glad you have insurance.
And honestly, 10-15k a year for a family doesn't seem too much to me. How much is your family worth?
TJR said:Well that's the problem now isn't it? The "insurance" model isn't viable for healthcare I am afraid. People like me (and there are 10s of millions on them in the US) are paying about 2x or more in premiums and out of pocket expenses then they would ever pay if they simply did a "pay as you go". Yes, I am familiar with how “if you are lucky†insurance is a bad investment, but c’mon!
I (personally) would rather have insurance for "catastrophic care" only, and for all other healthcare do “pay as you goâ€. Of course that type of insurance is not really provided. If it were you would see much more competition and lower costs for ordinary wellness care. Also, premiums for catastrophic care would be based on risk, so young, healthy folks would pay it should be. Older folks, in their 60s, 70s, 80s would pay through the nose...but then again, as it should be.
My national health insurance would work this way: Take the total dollar amount spent on healthcare in a year divided by the number of people in the country...every man, woman, child, and that's what you pay. Got eight kids, well then you're paying for eight. I don't care how much money you make or don't make. Rich people get appendicitis, poor people get appendicitis....everybody pays the same. Bill Gates can write a check, poor folks get it deducted from their welfare check.
Simple to answer: US has some of the best health care in the world, and this great healthcare is available to many. Bottom line: You get what you pay for!
When you need an organ transplant, I'm sure you'll be glad you have insurance.
Not The best care in the world.
What does that mean? It means our system is not the best, but better than most. So, are we the best, or somewhat the best?
Is being somewhat the best something to be proud of? Is there a better way to do it?