Like the abortion issue, I don' think this one will ever be a black or white case. There are always going to be exceptions to any view-point.
In the rest of the animal kingdom, the defective, sick, and weak members of any species die on their own accord, are abandoned by their kind, or are eaten at birth. This is generally considered a good thing because it allows the strong, dominant, and healthiest of the species to propogate and continue the existence of the species and frees the herd/pack/tribe from having to care for the burden of a weak member. Humans deviate from this behavior because we have "rational thought" and feelings which prompt us to save every human life possible, regardless of it's defects.
I, personally, don't see the cloning issue from a religious or moral standpoint. Rather, I see it as just another way that man-kind continues to deviate from a natural way of life and continue his existence through artifical means. The problems of disease and famine (which some of us seem to think cloning will resolve) are directly linked and caused by over-population of the human race. Is it any surprise that most of the horrible, deadly, and un-curable diseases which have come to be lately(Aids, Ebola, Asian bird flu, etc.), come from places like Africa and Asia where the populations have grown so large that their food sources have become depleted and their infrastructure has collapsed? I'd rather see greater emphasis placed on population control rather than on methods to deal with the results of unchecked population growth.
I know my view point is probably one of a kind and may not be in agreement with most people but, I just want assurance that I will be the only me and that tyrants like Kim Jong Il and Fidel Castro don't have access to this sort of technology, so they can continue their unwanted existence on this planet. I also shudder to think of how the insurance companies will manipulate this sort of advance.