Its all about education of the driver. A donut is not a bad thing, but MUST be a TEMPORARY fix and people need to understand this for what it is. Its not designed to leave on there and drive all over everywhere. Some people will never trust a donut spare, Myself, I am OK with the donut as I know the limits of driving on one and the reduced handling of the vehicle when using it, and I wouldnt LEAVE it on there for an extended time. Its not designed for driving at 80 mph on the hiway, not designed to drive thru 8" of snow, you shouldnt plan a 300 mile trip with one on there, etc... You use it to get you to the tire store or garage to fix the flat as soon as possible. I made sure that all my kids fully understand the limits of a donut spare.
I worked with a guy that had the donut on his car for almost 3 weeks until it went flat too. He drove the car 20 miles to and from work each way. (200 miles a week, so thats 600 miles over 3 weeks) During this 3 week period we got paid twice and he still didnt get the original fixed. Thats just being stupid.
On a side note, When my father was alive, he refused to buy a car with a donut spare. The dealer had to provide a full size spare or he would not buy from them. (Even if the spare tire had to just ride in the trunk rather than the alloted space for the donut) My sister is the same way, full size spare in her Taurus sits in the trunk.