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Jimmy Lavoie

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2007
Reaction score
Tamarac, FL
I've recently asked this question a few times in other posts but I think it may be better to ask this as a new post...

Does Ford look at these posts?

I guess if the answer is "no" ( I think it probably is), how do we get them to look?

Now, when I refer to "Ford" I'm thinking of some engineering - design staff that should be looking to improve their product. I know it may sound like a stupid question but jeesh - makes sense to me.

There are lots of issues that we talk about that Ford can use.

I dunno - just wishful thinking I guess.

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They look. Just realize this is not the ideal place to respond as an official Ford rep. I don't know of any forum where any sort of official manufacturer response is provided. Forums also represent a very, very small percentage of total owners so issues brought up here may, or may not, be an accurate representation of the scale of a particular issue. Those are, and should be, handled through dealer service departments. That way they know how many problems exist relative to how many total vehicles there are.

In the big scheme of things, I think many things people on here have brought up over the years have been addressed. Maybe to everyone's liking, but how many issues actually generate consensus on here anyway?
I will add though, I am still waiting for a new grill design and some genuinely innovative storage options in and around the bed of the ST. :rolleyes:

what about this site?

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I just noticed. i did a google to get to the answers, but just added the site in the post. I dont go on any other forum but this. I dont care what experts have to say...they dont drive the TRAC day in and day out. So the opinion of the members of this forum matter more to me.

heres the article about this site from Ford

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At several of the Natioan Sport Trac meets in Louisville, representatives of Ford indicated that they do indeed look at this website. They are prohibited from responding to questions since their answers would imply Ford's endorsement to their comments...right or wrong.

There used to be a GM engineer who was a regular on a Cadillac board (my parents have Caddys so I check in) and was an excellent source of info, but they made him stop.

He is now known as "The One Whose Name We Dare Not Speak".

Back in 2001 at an off-road run for, two Ford engineers showed up with a then-prototype Ranger FX4. We were very impressed on a number of levels.
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Last year we had someone who called himself, X. Claimed he was part of the engineering team. He did have alot inside info. He got mad at some of the things some members on here questioned his knowledge on. He droped out. Do a search for X and check the authors box.
FTE has Ford reps on it all the time. They do not make themselves known all the time, but they are reading. Bill Ford is known to be on there sometimes also, especially when new models are released as he likes to see the responses new models get - good and bad.
And, a lot of the '07 ST innovations came directly from Ford engineers watching this site. The main problem that I see people mention here is that you cannot raise or lower the 2nd generation ST. Todd Z and several other from this site were flown out to Long Beach, CA about 2 yrs ago to ride & drive with the press along.
Do a search for X and check the authors box.


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