ST Replacement? Badonkadonk on Amazon.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2002
Reaction score
Sugar Land, TX
Great reviews. Wonder what kind of gas mileage it gets.

ps: read the reviews. :D

(Just think how many chicks Jeff C could pick up with one of these!)
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Now it should sell like hotcakes. Someone get me a soccer ball sticker!

[Broken External Image]:
That vehicle is from The Burning Man festival. ( This is a once a year "art" festival held in the high desert of Nevada north of Reno. Originates out of San Francisco.

They have a Department of Mutant Vehicles (DMV) that registers vehices that can move throughout the "city" during the weeklong festival. All other "normal" vehicles are restricted to parking. Some of them are pretty creative/artistic pieces of work. Looks like people put allot of time and effort into them. You can't buy anything. You can't sell anything. You are urged to participate in the event rather than watch.

At the end of the week, they light this large man that has been consructed of wood on fire. There's a big party and everyone goes home to plan for the next year. They also have to leave the desert the way they found it. Seems like a pretty cool event to go to if you aren't easily embarrassed.

Caution if you go to the website. There is some nudity there.


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