Thanks Dan, I got it.
However, it wasn't round, but rectangular.
It was wedged up there pretty good.
I assumed there was a connector, but I was hesitant about just pulling it out.
Your wiggling suggestion worked perfectly.
Well, I got my 70% I isopropyl and unfortunately it wasn't as easy as I thought it would be.
I was VERY slow & patient and even tried different soaking times for each corner.
Corner 1: I applied the alcohol with an old T-shirt / let soak for about half an hour / slowly started peeling until I saw glue being left behind.
Corner 2: Same application / 2 hour soak / less of a success
Corner 3: Same application, only I left the alcohol soaked rag on top over night with a light weigh-down / even less success
Corner 4: I poured the alcohol directly on the remainder of the sticker / waited until it evaporated & repeated / even less success
The end result:
Half of the sticker looks good
The other half has a nice thick layer of glue, which I am now meticulously picking at with tweezers. . . . I'm starting to like the sound of the reupholstering it.
My thoughts:
The successes in this thread seem to be 1st Gen owners, so either the years of heat helped with their experiences or they use a stronger adhesive on the 2nd Gen.
I used to sell carpet and when we would get new carpet labels there was this really nasty glue on the back of the labels. We would iron it on and if you weren’t careful, it would make a mess of the iron and everything near you. The reason I bring this up is because the glue seams very similar, just not as thick. Given my experience with the glue, if you were to use an iron or heat gun, you would only melt the glue into the fabric.