Stock cd player won't eject my cd

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Ryan Y

Active Member
Aug 2, 2005
Reaction score
So I went to Best Buy, bought my son a new Spongebob DVD and myself a new CD, listened to it on the way home and once I got home it wouldn't eject! It still plays fine in the player, but I can't get it out. I get "eject error." Still haven't been able to get it out. Anyone know a trick to this? I don't see a hole to stick a paperclip in, and I've tried to manipulate it with a credit card while pressing eject...nothing. Also, I have roughly 2,500 miles left on my 36,000 mile warranty. Would this be covered, or would I be wasting a trip to the dealership. I would rather get an aftermarket stereo if it needs to be replaced, but I have to try the warranty option first. or maybe I can get the cd out and it won't be a problem anymore. Dealership guys, is this common??

by the way, my stereo is the single disc am/fm in an '04 xlt.

anyway, thanks in advance for your thoughts and advice.

There are two fuses that power up the radio. Pull them both. This will reset the radio and normally allow you to get the CD to eject...
Thanks, I'll try that. I did try them separately, and I also took my negative battery terminal off for a couple of minutes to try to reset everything, but none of that worked. Is pulling both fuses any different?? thanks.
just pulled both fuses, waited a few minutes (don't know if that matters), and put them back in. I could hear it working when I put them back in, but it still won't eject the cd.

it should be covered under warranty, go see your dealer. they may need to send the radio back to Ford and they will remove the cd and send it back to you......
Say, F, do you have the Pioneer 6 cd changer? If so, I have had the same problem on my '02. I discovered that not all cds are made the same. The thicker ones and sometimes the thinner ones get stuck. What I have found is that the credit card does not work well enough. Try your driver's liscence and GINGERLY slide it over the top of the cd about as far as half the card. That should work. Note the word "gingerly" is in caps for a good reason. This problem takes the smile off your face rather quickly. If that doesn't work, or if you have a different system than mine, take it in. My neighbor's Hemi Ram wouldn't let go of his cd, period. Now he has an F-250. It may be worth your while to take it in. Who knows what you may come out with.
No I have aftermarket now but before I switched I had problems with CD's not ejecting. THey replaced my stock radio, then sent the old one to have the cd taken out. The cd was later sent to me.
It will be covered by your warranty, I had mine replaced twice under warranty.

I think you will loose your CD, they won't send it back to you (that's what I was told).

If you want to get an aftermarket, go ahead and get the new factory head unit and keep it for when you sell it.
Yeah Kevin, that's what I was thinking. Good idea!

As for selling it or "seeing what I come out with," my wife was asking me yesterday if I am too upside down in it. I think she was hinting I get something else, because although we like it and I especially like it, I have had quite a few minor problems with it in the year and a half that I've had it (and I bought it new), so that's frustrating. I think she's just as tired as I am of having to go to the dealership about every other month or so to have something fixed/replaced. So far it's all been under warrany, but that's about to change. So since I have a list of mods I want to do, what happens if I end up going to the dealership every other month after my warrany is up?? I won't be able to do any mods:(:angry: (and I especially have my eye on an XCal2 )

I dunno... just venting for a sec. It still makes me sick to my stomach to think of getting something else... maybe the wife would go for another trac?? try it again?? heheh...doubt it.

Thanks for the answers to my questions though guys.. I appreciate it.
I am not sure what your specific problems are, but if they are connected, Ford will continue to fix them after your warranty is passed. I had a cylinder go out on me and they fixed it out of warranty because it was related to a problem that they did not fix when it was in warranty.

I would not say a ST is a piece of shit and not get another one. With any car, some people get lemons and most don't. If you are having continous, unrelated problems, I would say you got a lemon, but I know nothing about the problems you have had. If that is the case, I think everyone here would say go get another one. As you can tell on this website, most everyone is throughly satisfied with their truck.

I am usually sick of a car after about 1 year. I have had my ST for 2 years and I do not want to get rid of it. The only way I may get rid of it is when the '07 Adrenalins come out.

Good luck with your truck, and I hope your wife lets you keep love being single!:lol:
The only way I may get rid of it is when the '07 Adrenalins come out.

Save some money and keep the current one after buying the new one! ;)

...I love being single!

It was the wifely person who encouraged me towards the ST, if I was single I'd be driving a Repsol CBR 1000 :lol:
I trust my truck, I have just had minor things here and there that have sent me to the dealer, and that hasn't been the case with past vehicles. The biggest prob with my trac was the EPC Solenoid, then the other problems were minor... both my tonneau cover locks binding up, peeling steering wheel, and now the cd player issue...peeling radio bezel... I still love the truck though and don't want anything else. I know vehicles don't stay new forever, no matter how hard we try, but I sort of expected a couple of years or 40,000 - 50,000 miles before things started going wrong. Especially since I take care of it. We've had my wife's toyota (2003 Rav4 ) for 2.5 years, 38,000 miles, and absolutely nothing has gone wrong so far (knock on wood). Hell, I even owned a 97 Mitsubishi Eclipse that didn't have any problems until around 100,000 miles, and that thing had the 2 liter dodge neon engine and crappy chrysler auto tranny.

I'm not upset with Ford, nor do I think my trac is a piece of crap, just a little disapointed is all.

I still don't plan to get rid of it!! Just ordered shocks(Rancho rs5000) and taylor wires and getting some plugs for it when all that comes in. Decided to wait on an xcal FOR NOW... trying to get my mpg up one thing at a time...


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