Telling a colleague they smell...

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Well-Known Member
May 15, 2004
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L.A., CA
There's a new Persian girl just hired at work. She's only been in country like six months. She's very sweet, know's what she's doing at the register, and her English is very good. HOWEVER...she has a mean body odor and I say this with no exaggeration.

I'm in a junior leadership position to tell her something and I was close to doing so, but I figured it'd roll off smoother if the sweet gal heard it from one of the female managers instead.

None of the other managers have done anything so I'm inclined to take initiative already. The new girl has great potential but it's not gonna happen if she repells her collegues and customers alike with her bad odor.

Now, how do I go about telling her in the kindest and most professional manner? No, I'm not gonna give her a gift basket with hygiene stuff. I need a way of TELLING her. I can go on with praises...but I just can't figure out how to sugar-coat the main issue. Is this definitely something another female should be tasked to do?

I sure would appreciate you folks' feedback on this off-topic, yet sensitive issue. Thanks in advance...
I would google Persian culture. That could tell you a lot. It might be for religious reasons, if not, I would explain our/your culture and see if she is willing to try it.

I discussed this with my wife and this was the best we could come up with. Good luck.

I had to deal with this a few times, so here's my .02 cents.

Go to her manager. That person should have what it takes to deal with the situation.

If that doesn't work/happen, I would recommend going to HR. Remember, you're not there to tattle on her; you're trying to get her help.

I just don't recommend you try this solo. It could lead to all sorts of potential problems. If you do, have a female manager present to CYA.

When I've had to counsel someone on their personal hygiene, I found that directness and honesty are the best way to approach it. Present the facts without being insulting.

The way I see it is your freinds will tell you about your problem; your enemies will talk about it behind your back.

Most definitely, do not do this on your own! I would refer her to HR or her boss. That is one of the things they get paid to do. Let them, no, make them do their job.
Have someone with you, and talk directly about the problem. Add in some praise at 1st about how good she is doing, but that there is a problem that needs to be addressed. Cultural or not, it is not an accepted practice in this country, and it will be a turn-off for your customers. Keep it as a business problem, not a personal one. Good luck!
There could also be medical reasons. You don't want to put the person off, but it could also be something they don't know about. I would say yes a female should be the one to approach this. You might want to pick or hire a special female that can do this the right way so the person feels positive about this. I say this from from past experience my wife had with a female employee years ago. They found a female that had done the sort of thing before. She found out the employee had medical problems that was causing her odors. The company worked with her to over come her problems and work out a solution to the odor problem. Good Luck
This is up to the HR department to address this. They need to write her a letter and refer her to a doctor. She will not be allowed back to work until the odor is managed.

This is up to the HR department to address this. They need to write her a letter and refer her to a doctor. She will not be allowed back to work until the odor is managed.

I don't think it's as cut-and-dry as this. What would the letter say?

"Dear ________,

You stink. Go to the doctor. Don't come back until you don't stink anymore."


I'm curious... Although based on the information provided by Trac_511 at the beginning of this thread didn't specify either way, let's assume for hypothetical purposes that this is a union shop. With that in mind, wouldn't the woman in question then just file a grievance based on this premise that they're not allowing her to work because of BO?
Had the same issue when I was a manager at IBM with an employee. First we encouraged him to seek medical help with his stench (mouth, pits, name it). Was so bad no one could use the guys phone it smelled so bad, and if he brought his chair from his office into a packed conference room people gagged.

He got better, but never really good.

It IS an HR issue. Yes, some people have medical issues, and yes, sometimes it is a culutural difference. Then again, we Americans expect to not smell earthy, musky smells from one another and get offended when we do. With that said, some people are just disgusting (whether it be cleanliness, morbid obestity, bad personality, etc) and because of it are almost unemployable. Go ahead...shoot the messenger.

Hire "messengers" to deliver "packages" and when they walk in they must walk near her and say "OMG what died around here, it stinks."
Set up an anonymous e-mail account from a library (or other location where it's difficult to track it back to you). From there, e-mail her a link to this thread. :D

Seriously, though, I agree with everyone who said to go through your HR and her manager. And make sure it's carefully communicated in a way where it's clear to someone from ANY cultural background that the message is, "you have a strong BO which will likely limit your chances for advancement", and doesn't come across as "man you foreigners stink."
Do not be such a bigot. She is just honoring her heritige / culture. Try opening your mind and accepting her for who she is.

Who says being clean and non-smelly is the "correct way" anyway?

America is for everyone except Americans. If you don't like it, then LEAVE.

Obama will make it law soon anyway, so you might as well get used to it.
If the problem is due to not using an underarm deodorant, get over it.

Americans are obessed about it.

99% of the rest of the world is not, same holds true for shaving your pits.

If the above is the case, have the females in your office discuss it with her (you best stay out of it)

Living in mongolia as I do, you get used to it, I smell like a goat most of the time, the ladys in the hood seem to be attracted to me:)

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