Thomas Rogers
Well-Known Member
JohnnyO, then don't think about it as trying to prevent drunk driving. Instead, see it as upholding the "public intoxication" laws.
Is that better?
Is that better?
I see your point but disagree. My mother owns a bar, in Texas. On the exterior it states the establishment has the right to refuse service to anyone. It also states the establishment has the right to refuse entry to anyone. In my book, that makes it no different than my house, you only come in if I allow it. That makes it private.
There are no assumptions made! The guys are drunk in public, which is illegal in Texas and most other states, and that is what they are being arrested for.
Hey, nobody seemed to care when they started banning smoking in public and in bars across the nation. They are just moving on to the next thing. It won't be the last thing either. Get used to it. Those who backed the smoking laws have asked for they are getting it.
All men should have to pay child support...
I mean, everyone knows what our intention is when we date....
I am thinking of a word, a type of government that protects it's citizans by passing all kinds of laws. Where to work, what you can do for pleasure, etc. I just can't think of what it is called.