Today's Athletes -- What's Up with Them?

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I wouldn't include the "Brawl" in the list of issues. There have been the occasional brawls in sports as long as there have been team sports. It goes with the territory.

It's just that now the sports media plays them up to eploit them for it's own self interest.
That's just it, hefhay, I blame everyone... from the "jerk" athlete, to the jerk owner that recruits and pays him ridiculous sums, to the jerk fans that cheer him and supports the team.

Guys like AI (Iverson) are thug crybabies that have no place being the stars on teams, making mega bucks and being idolized by children and fan...yet they are. The problem is we allow it. We DON'T hold them to any kind of standard, and we therefore get what what we deserve.

It's pretty sad!

Ok, since I was one to bring up the "hood" remark, I will appologise to anyone if it offeneded them, but I will also explain myself. There are both white and black people from the "hood" and most (not all) act the same way. To me, that makes them from the hood. I was raised in the country life and chew tobacco, so does that make me a redneck? Well if that's your definition of a Redneck, then yeah, I am. Big deal. No racist remarks were ment by my statement and if it was taken that way I'll be man enough to appologise.

As for sports, I am a huge fan of Baseball, Hockey, and Football. I support the TEAM, not a certain player. I don't have a favorite athlete (Malkin and Sid from the Pens is getting there though) but I will support my local teams. The players are getting paid entirely too much though.;)
Stonemiser that was huge....

Q I will say I apologize for always being so sensitive..

On a whole I to agree that the crappy play and fighting of sports players is useless, but when I start hearing the terms used in this forum I am convinced some of us are pointing out particular groups in a way I have issues with. I still think there is less tolerance for a fight in the NBA where there are typically black players. If this type of team brawl is seen in a more typically white sport they are cheered as pure entertainment. Yes hockey is a more contact sport but it's time to end that BS, there is no room for bench clearing brawls in any sport. Personally I too like it but I hate the double standard.

RichardL said it best. If we would quit supporting the teams and especially ******** that hire the likes of TO and pay them huge amounts of money, then we wouldn't have this problem in sports. Unfortunately the reality is: it will never happen.
Yeah, but when it comes to racism, Joseymack, the double standards are all over the place and on both sides....just ask Bill Cosby and Michael Richards.
Hockey is the only white sport left? And soccer. As for tolerance in the NBA, let's think about this logically. First of all, how many bench clearing brawls have there been in the NBA the past few years. 5-10??? How many have there been in hockey? I can't think of one instance since they changed the rules. Now, let's take this a step further. If there were a bench clearing brawl at a hockey game, what are the odds of any fans getting hurt? How about in basketball? Basketball fans are right "in" the game where as hockey fans are behind the glass. Hockey fights are organized. One on one. Let the frustration out and move on. It's as much a part of the game as the "pick" in basketball. I love the fighting aspect of hockey but as fun as it would be to watch some basketball players duke it out like in will never happen.
I'm with those hockey fans that would like to see fighting in other sports. I hate baseball because it's SO boring... But could you imagine if when they had fights in baseball, they handled it like hockey? You get into a brawl, you sit in the dugout for an inning, and the rest of the team plays shorthanded for an inning... Outfielders having to pitch, while the shortstop has to fill the catcher's position. Only 4 or 5 guys on the field because the rest are sitting out fighting 'penalties'. Now, THAT would make the game interesting! We'd have scores of 47-25 and the like... Home run after home run being belted outta here because the left fielder is pitching... Leave it to me, and baseball would be a fun game again!