Touchdown Jesus Go Boom

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One other thing to note--the refrain of the song Mark was quoting (both the original version by Rock Master Scott, and the song which quoted those lyrics by The Bloodhound Gang) have often been quoted or sung by people observing a fire destroying any significant structure over the past couple decades. (That, or "Burning Down the House" by the Talking Heads.) The fact that it gets quoted/sung doesn't typically mean that the people quoting/singing the song desire the structure to burn. It's hard to explain, but it's almost like a coping mechanism, a means for the observers to express how overwhelmed they are by the power of the flames. You will sometimes see any of those three songs used in movies or TV as background music during major fire scenes. (Example--"Revenge of the Nerds", when the Alpha Beta frat house is burning.) It's not at all derogatory of the item which is on fire--it's just commentary on the fire itself. In fact, in that application, the "motherf@cker" in the song typically isn't the object that is burning, but the fire itself.

When I was in college, an old house in the area being rented by a bunch of students burned to the ground. (The source was later determined to be an area homeless man who had set down his cigarette while he was rumaging through their garbage.) I still remember seeing those students in the street watching the fire crews, while much of the house was still intact but the flames were to the point that it was clear that nothing from the house would survive, huddled together in tears, wrapped in a blanket, watching all their possessions getting destroyed, but singing the Rock Master Scott version of the song. (Likely would have been singing the Bloodhound Gang version, but this was five or six years prior to that version being released.) It was absolutely surreal.

My point--don't be so quick to conclude that when Mark quotes the "motherf@cker" portion of the song, that he's equating that to Jesus, or to this church, or anything like that. It's likely not the case.
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Bill V seems to understand the likely motivation and reference to the objected to comment, IMHO.

Sometimes people get all bent about something someone is saying before they even understand what it is they are saying or why they are saying it. This seems like one of those cases, to me.

To me it is a respect issue. I am not big on statues of Jesus and never have been, but the comments were crude and distasteful at best. I am too old to see humor in using that kind of language and attitude to comment on the burning of a statue. I admit it is an ironic story, but stuff happens and when the tallest object in an area is a statue you are asking for it to get hit by lightning. I'll get over it, just seems uncalled for.
They said on the news last night that the local Sheriff's office was having to issue traffic tickets to motorists due to all the gawking for this.
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cyborg jesus

Yeah, I can see that too! :grin:

In that line of thinking, the following may be the perfect caption for this photo--regardless of whether you look at it as a statue's framework, the real Jesus, or the cyborg Terminator:

[Broken External Image]:

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