Aztek, he was probably one of those "common sense" uhaul business owners, figures, he advised you. but knows it's not all the Explorer that caused the issues of past, .(cause he knows their policy is foolish) so he is covered by advising you can't tow with it. He rented it to you so he wants business above anything else. If anything would have happened and came back to him, he probably would have said,.."hey I told him he couldn't tow with it in that truck, but the guy insisted" There you go...his word against yours and he has it in writing to not rent to you with that vehicle.
We have the choice to play their system, if we want to or not, but if something were to happen while towing thier product with your "Explorer", as written in their policy, (and of course we never want an accident to occur) but if an accident does occur...they are not going to settle easy with you.
I'd rather not use Uhaul if I can help it If they don't want our busines, then I say, let it be. It's their loss not mine.
I'd be curious to know ...during that same time period when all the law suits were going on and after, how many other rental companies, other than UHaul....had accident roll over issues each year? and How many of them were with the Ford Explorers wthin each year? ,,,something to ponder...