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Shawn Hennessy

Active Member
Jun 11, 2001
Reaction score
Tacoma, WA
I k now that there are many of you who follow the left-turners. What do you all (y'all) feel about <a href="" target="_blank">Toyoyta's 2007 entry into NASCAR</a>? They entered into the NHRA (my favorite motorsport) with a Top Fuel Funny Car driven by Gary Scelsi a few years ago and did fairly well.

Your thoughts?

Why not, as long as their car does not prove to be too aerodynamic and it causes all the babies to cry like a bunch of years ago...

Todd Z
lol Todd.

I'm all for it. Toyota has been racing the Celica (or did) in the lesser touring series of NASCAR a few years ago, and of course have been in the Trucks for a few years, and doing pretty good, considering how few entries they have comapred to The Big Three. I mean, NASCAR does a decent job of leveling out the playing field, although the powerhouse teams with huge budgets still dominate, but on any given day at any given track, any car maker and any team and anybody can win.

Of course, Toyota isn't the first foreign entry into the top tier of NASCAR, although the first Japanese entry that I'm aware of. Shoot, Jaguar has a NASCAR win or two to thier credit....
Bring it on...... Drive Fast,,, Turn Left,,,, who cares what kind of car.... RACECAR spelled backwards is RACECAR:D
How appropriate that Toyota will be racing against Ford, Chevy and Dodge in the NEXTEL Cup. NEXTEL was bought by Sprint, and the company exists in name only. Ford and Chevy are rated at junk-bond status and could cease to exist before Toyota wins their first race, and Dodge already exists only in name since Daimler bought them out.

In 10 years we could have Toyota, Honda and Hyundai racing for the Sprint Cup if things keep going the way they are headed. :(
hey flip...

you got that right... NASCAR's gone right down the toiletsince earnhardt died... and I'm a bill elliott fan...

too much fartin' w/ the rule ro appease the sponsor/manufacturer/car owner whiney-a$$e$..

earnhardt would say "SHUT UP AND RACE!!!"
Get used to it. The Global marketplace is here to stay. Trade barriers are pretty much gone now, and transportation systems allow products to be shipped cheaply from any country in the World. Asians and Latinos will have a larger impact on our economy and society very soon. Their population is growing much faster than the white and black population.

At McDonalds the other day, I watched a Vietnamese man trying to order food for his family. The cashier was Jamaican and the Manager was Mexican. They all had thick accents and couldn't understand each other. They kept making the poor guy repeat his order. Finally, a young Hispanic cashier who spoke perfect English helped them out.

We live in an upper middle-class area of town, but there are a lot of first and second generation families that neighbor us. I personally enjoy interacting with people of different cultures, because I have traveled overseas and enjoy learning about different people. My daughter and I both love our multi-cultural neigborhood. :cool:
NASCAR: National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing.

I lost interest back in the late 80's when they switched from stock bodies to XXL go carts w/V8's.

I wonder if there's going to be any hesitance in people calling their toyota driving nascar hero a redneck? After all, rednecks only drive (perish the thought) 'merican junk, don't they? :D
I am a NASCAR fan. I do not particularly car for the CoT (Car of Tomorrow). However, it coincides well with Toyota comming in so the developmental stage for Toyota has been greatly reduced.

I have to stand with Jack Rousch on this one. If they are going to come in and compete on equal ruling grounds as Ford and GM, they are not doing with the cars as they do the trucks (Toyota supplies all the chasis, body, tranny and engine components, leaving the owners with the sponsorship and drivers, and being the "listed owners", thus making Toyota the largest team in NCTS), then bring it on. France has already stated that Toyota will fall under the same Max 4 rule that the rest of the teams must follow.

I figured that as soon as Waltrip went to BDR that Toyota was comming. Waltrip is a Toyota Truck owner with his brother (Leroy's Boys Racing), BDR is in bed with Toyota big time in other circuits, so it wasn't a question of if the Camry's were comming....

I agree with you on BDR and Toyota down the road - but check the latest on Mikey. He has formed his own team with the owner of Jasper, (Waltrip-Jasper motorsports) and will run the #55 under that ownership with backing and equipment from BDR Dodges. Guarantees him the first 5 races as the Jasper dude (can't remember his name) was the listed owner of the 77 which finished 34th.

Anyway, I like that Toyota is coming in and you are right about the parts supplies. It will be interesting to see what they (the big 3) use. All 3 makes currently use the same blocks (GM based) and same rear ends (Ford based), so having Toyota parts in the mix might prove interesting.

Maybe they'll use toyota blocks so the teams can run the same engine for 2 or 3 seasons, on 1/4 the gas. :rolleyes:
I think Honda should run the Ridgeline engine. I understand that it is superior in every way to any other engine on the market.

At least that is what one forum member has said...:blink:

If they loose,m then they can say that it is smoother then the other engine.

Actually, I don't think Toyota will have a choice about what engine to run. You either run the accepted engine, or you don't race.

No news here. Toyota has been planning it for a while, that's why they entered the truck series first, to get their engines sorted out before they went big-time.