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reckon that makes you a redneck then. Being from Il, and the last two champs being from In and Wi puts you right at home. Kinda like calling Ice Hockey a redneck sport because the Flames started in Atlanta and there are teams in Fl, Tx.

Could be hybrids down the road - they are going to unleaded in 2008.


I couldn't resist making a redneck comment, and yes, my wife considers me a redneck. My interest in Nascar ended when I was about 14 years old. Spent a lot of time before that at the local stock car races, but lost interest in the whole racing thing.

As the comedian Gallagher said: "Nascar is the only place you can see a 20 car pileup without being in the SOB.":)
The name needs to be changed to NAGCAR, National Association for Go Cart Auto Racing.
I don't know which is more telling...the fact that this dude gives King Kong a run for his money in the body hair department or that has the number of a dead race car driver's car cut into said body hair. I'm not going to address the fact that he had someone else do the cutting.

Grump...this dude could be from Michigan (or elsewhere). I understand that there are people who travel to many race events from all over the continent.
Dp says, NASCAR is made for moonshine not Saki ha ha!!

um..that's coming from a Mopar man ha ha!!

personally I say our Ford, Chevy, Mopar drivers need to GIT R DONE! in a BIG WAY make 'em last place!

I'll wave to you all from Vegas in March and Phoenix in April *big Grin* :D
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I am a NASCAR Fan...

True I live in Arkansas, I am a gun-owner (actually, 5), I am a Born-Again Christian.... guess I could be classified as a Redneck.


-I own (well, the bank does) a true stick-built home that is not on wheels

-I have two cars, both work, have tires, sit in the garage at night and only (1) has a busted windshield (the ST)

-I have a college degree (BSEE)

-I do not have a "3" shaved in my back hair :blink:

-I do not have "8" "3" "1" "15" or any combination thereof anywhere in my house, car or clothes, "88" is a different story.

-I do watch the race every Sunday (or saturday as applied). If I can't watch live, I record and watch later

-I am a part of 2 fantasy racing teams on Yahoo

Oh well...

I'd still like to see a Toyota put into the wall on the first lap of the 2007 Daytona 500.

Welcome to NASCAR, Young Grasshopper....