I had my cap on for a week or so without the padding between it and the bed rails and it was noisy. Once I installed the cap correctly with the padding it stopped and hasn't done it since.
man if u painted the cladding to match that thing would look like a bullet. I am just stating... I plan on doing it to mine soon. btw what model ARE is that? because the emblem on the side is red... not used to that.
My only experience with a cab was quite a squeaky one too. I had an old cream coloured disgusting looking thing on my 91 Ranger last year and the padding between it and the bed rails hadn't been changed since..well probably 1991. it was squished down almost to nothing and quite waterlogged.
I didn't keep it on there for very long and only put it back on when I had to travel with my band's equipment...but holy was it noisy.
The padding compresses and needs to be checked yearly.
Mine has a triple layer of foam in the front and a single layer along the sides. 4 clamps that cinch it down and I have never heard a squeek. How much foam did they install? A roll from the local topper shop cost me a wopping 6.00 when I replaced it a few months ago and I still have no squeeks.